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Everything posted by quadro7f

  1. Here is some extra ones from early developing stage: Of course it looks much better now, since i using 4 textures per part, based on 2 shaders =P Anyway, the project is on hold atm.
  2. Added Shuttle-Derived Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle to projects. Thanks princess venus for the idea =) http://youtu.be/xOnlAUpYWoc Ok, i'll check it out.
  3. Sure, i gonna try this method But first, i need to finish several tons of stuff. P.S. Could somebody help me - it seems what i can do absolutely nothing with poll. This thing just stuck forever and i cant change or remove it. Where should i push to make such things?
  4. Yay! N-1 Rocket in the list, can't wait to see it in action (and buran as well!) =)
  5. I asked Tosh about track possibilities and he said what it is impossible to create them atm. But i gonna try anyway. If it fails, then i will back to plan B - multple weels blocks. Ok, thanx, gonna check that mod.
  6. So i see, everybody want to kill me (even my cat) The cargobay itself has 2 parts - the base part, which attachs to cabin, tail section and wings. It has complex U-shape and you can place anything there, basically, even some addition zo2 tanks (like in real shuttle), cargo, docking modules etc. You can play with layout and equipment there as you need. You can attach cargo to decouplers inside of this U-shaped base. And the other parts are cargobay doors. They using Servo plugin by default. So you need just attach them on the top of base part and after you could choose buttons you want them to deploy (like you do it in robotics pack). Btw, you can attach special C-shaped solar panels on the inner side of cargobay doors, so you could feed your electric bateries and sub-systems during flight.
  7. Next tests gonna be: 1) Avionics systems: (inertial modules behavior, mechjeb racks, other stuff) 2) RCS tanks and life support general tests. 3) Landing gears system: (tracktion, amortization force, stability, braking force, stress tests, maximum speed, maximum impact force) 4) Cargobay doors: (aero-stress tests, braking force, hull and cargo protection possibilities , re-entry stress tests, solar-panels attachments possibilities, extraction-retraction speeds and controll). But all these tests gonna be in far future, and right now its nothing to test yet, sorry.
  8. Well, i working really fast, so technically about 1 week for shuttle and 1 week for boosters/tanks and advanced systems. But these days, i have to switch my time to WoT mod (because of new 8.0 update, and if i dont do this, then fans gonna kill me), sorry about that. Rgr, gonna wait your results.
  9. Here is Venture Star's progress atm. Only needs some textures and shes ready to go : But first i need to make a shuttle and RT1. Plus the problem with Venture Star is what this is really big vessel (about 1,646 m long and about 740 m in Kerbal scale). Parts are really huge for lift them into orbit (even for shuttle). I have no idea how people gonna build it (even in space) yet. Just look at the picture above and try to imagine, what shuttle as same size as habitant block (the one with yellow stripes). Then i see this problems, i starting to think about of creating some kinda ultra-heavy lifter, because without it no one could even build this thing
  10. Some good info on project. Shuttle's control surfaces will be controlled by "RangeAdjust for Control Surfaces and Gimbals" plugin by Tosh. This plugin will allow you to switch them on and off during flight, as well as seting limit of deflection range for more tweakable control over shuttle, during various speeds and flight modes. Sure, this machines designed especially for cargo delivery, so they have the biggest cargo bay i've seen so far =) Hehehe, thanks.
  11. This is not big problem, just try to change their order and polarity and see whats happens in game. Sooner or later you would find right combination and then use this all the time.
  12. Sorry, i cant help with Blender. But there should be some kinda ruler or straightedge-like tools. Maybe people who works in Blender could help. Also you could try to set you detail to the center, and then create some sphere as node, and then just watch its XYZ coordinates then try to copy them into config file. This should work in theory, at least if you have units measurements set to "Meters".
  13. There can be 3 reasons: 1. Check your prior points for each mech, including box for getting coordinates. All prior points should be in the middle of objects and the main mesh should have 0,0,0 coordinates. 2. Check your scale factor in Unity and Config txt files - they should match each other. 3. Make sure what your XYZ axises are correct. For example, i have to make this operations then saving values into config files: But this could be different in your case.
  14. I dont think so. But you can make this in 3dmax using special Get-Vector script. You can check and get it here (step 5 of C7's guide). But before using script, make sure what your prior points are set correctly, and your main mesh prior point is centered to 0,0,0 of absolute coordinates. Of course you will need to copy this values to config text file anyway, but using this method you could easily create, for example, 4 attachment nodes for less than 40 seconds with 0.0001 precision.
  15. If you cant grab your part, then its usually because of something wrong with collision mesh. Check its settings in Unity once more time. Also, it is good idea to set collision mesh just before export (as last action). Check you scale factor everythere - on part's unity import settings (default is 0.01, but maybe you using different one, for example, i using 0.45), and in parts config text file - there also should be your value in the scale string (the same one - 0.01 or whatever). As dikkjo said, check you position coordinates - should be 0,0,0, And each objects "Prior points" should be in the center of each mesh. And applying material (just blank) could help as well, if you didnt done this in 3d program before. P.S. Dont forget to set tick on the Mesh collider Component just after the green icon
  16. That's right, this is the main meaning "Victory" or "Success". Also its much easier to remember than several words =P I am glad what you like it
  17. Good news, everyone! (Saying like professor from Futurama). I could back to work on project in about 3-4 days from this moment, then i'll arrive to the city, i hope. Aye, i like this list too. I decided to work only on projects which peoples intrested on. =) If only i could manage this silly Poll, what doesnt work at all! Ehhh... Hehe, maybe i will make Duna's version =) Thanks, man. That's the plan, so far =) P. S. Changed company's name to better one =P
  18. I have feeling what it's time for me to start learning how to code things and create a plugins P.S. I have to stop all development on project, till the moment when i get back to the city. I cant say when this will happen, sry about that. P.S.S. Removed Orion shuttle and Nuclear Plane projects (no one interested in them, so me either). Added RT01 Transport to future projects and Mars Landers to Possible Projects. Jeb showing his superior skills by landing shuttle at desert on some unknown blue planet: Original image by LeiJinArt
  19. That's right. Anyway, i think this is no big deal, because you can easily see how fast it drains fuel and make a conclusion about fuel's quantity based on this. But i still hope what new MuMech version will fix this. That would be awesome =) P.S. Since now, each USTS's part uses 4 textures, based on "KSP/Emissive/Bumped Specular" shader =P
  20. Thank you, gonna check it out =)
  21. Ok, KIS's plugin doesn't work at all. I see, atm it's more like relative fuel indicator than absolute. Anyway this is some kinda strange for players, because you never know you actual fuel quantity then switching vessels. If only indication could show actrual liters instead of just bar... Btw, recharge possibilities will be for batteries using apu units by consuming fuel, so i think there shouldn't be problems for tanks.
  22. I have some issues with MuMech plugin, looks like there some glitch with fuel indication. When you use some fuel and then change vessels, the fuels indicator shows 100% again. This could cause some problems with fuel planning during flight, so i trying to find a better solution. Atm i testing plugin by Kellvonic Imperial Spaceyard, which can provide same functions.
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