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Everything posted by yoyo478

  1. Planet: Kerbin Mun: First moon of Kerbin Minmus: Second, smaller moon of Kerbin Kerbol: Sun Other names: Planned planets Retroburn: Burning in the opposite direction you are going to slow you down (useful in reentry) Proburn: Burning in the direction you ARE going (Useful when you want to increase your orbit to enter the Mun's or Minmus's Delta-V: Force required to escape the planets pull and achieve stable orbit. That's all the ones I can think of.
  2. If the gravity is a bit smaller, your EVA pack may work. But I don't know what gravity they made for the planets, we'll just need to wait and see.
  3. I'm actually getting pretty interested in this thread. Secondly, I could imagine it going a little something like this: Ground Control: We've lost a ship in the outer reaches of Kerbins orbit! President: We will save those crew with another ship! Ground Control: The rescue ship has been lost in the same area! President: We will rescue those ships! And so on
  4. Now, the gas giant Jool raises some very interesting questions, but I've decided an easy way to find out. I have two ways to do this and one of them is very boring. 1. The "boring way": Use the docking mod to get a single piece of scrap out there, say, a decoupler. Achieve a failing orbit, jettison the scrap, then achieve a stable orbit again. Watch scrap fall in, then decide course of action. 2. The "hilarious way": Ironically, this way is actually more fuel efficient, to a degree. Send small, unmanned ship to Jool orbit with a simple rocket docked to it (A small fuel tank and engine, one man capsule). Make second huge ship with large, powerful lander. Dock with the lander ship, move a kerbal into small ship. Disconnect the small lander from the ship and plunge it strait into the atmosphere. If lander meets a solid, landable surface, prepare main ship to land. If it simply explodes, record alittude and begin to lower orbit until one is dangerously close to the lowest levels, to check the effects of the atmosphere on a larger ship. And no, there is no easier way to do this. Any other way is not kerbal.
  5. It's possible it could be a thin atmosphere, only needed to keep the darkness of space from killing the life.
  6. Is it possible that when the Mun was captured, most of it's atmosphere was stole by kerben? And, if you really want to be trippy, some "Mun Men" made a small capsule containg them and basic Mun life onto Kerbin's surface?
  7. He might have gotten there with a less perfect orbit, as I usually do. (Why perfect when you can come close, right?)
  8. Well, I got this baby. It\'s later forms, of which I have no screenshots, can escape the influence of kerbin, but they all really look the same.
  9. First off, there ain\'t no kill like overkill. Secondly, this isn\'t my normal rocket. I hadn\'t intended it to really work more than to get the truck way into the sky, and I figured 'screw it' and strapped gigantic fuel tanks and engines to the bottom of it. I didn\'t really plan to get it working well. On a side note, I did succeed in getting the truck over 100 km in the sky and getting it back down to solid land. One thing I learned, however, is that trucks are not gonna live at the speeds encountered during re-entry. (It can however survive a 5000 meter drop A-OK)
  10. I should have guessed that when I tried to show my bro but said 'Well, crap, it\'s shaking to much, I better go.'
  11. Well, I was derping about with a truck, and wanted to see if it could survive massive falls, so I put one in space. In one of my tests, I used a ship which you can see below. (Note: If anyone knows how to put screenshots in spoilers please tell me) Then, after that, I checked my orbital map for a bit. I came back.... It kept spinning and broke off, never to be seen again.
  12. Damn, ten hours in kerbal space program? I waited for an hour and got to half that, so kudos to your design.
  13. Might as well throw in my two cents. I\'m not sure about the angles, I usually just guess (Science!) but if you have enough fuel to get to the Mun, the amount required for Minmus is near nothing. Little off topic, but I thought I should throw that in because the first moon I landed on was Minmus, and in my opinion is actually an easier landing spot.
  14. I\'m gonna try to fling a kerbin into the sun and send the others back home. Because I\'m that kind of person.
  15. It got me long before I started firing my engines.
  16. I had no intention to land. I had an intention to kill every last kerbin on board. The kraken saved the kerbins lives. The bastard.
  17. Found it pretty late, but I found it through Northerlion
  18. 'Lucky'? I\'m guessing you\'re saying I\'m lucky because my ship didn\'t break apart. While the ship didn\'t, it did give me false hope, and that\'s worse. Hey, it gave me a good screenshot, so there\'s that.
  19. Trying to crash some kerbals into the sun. What happened in the end was the kraken got the ship, messed with the fuel lines, and made it so I could only use the little fuel left in the tanks attached. So, I was stuck with my final stage. I came pretty close to the sun, but in the end I couldn\'t make it. I was pretty angry, as it took a little more than 30 minutes to get out there.
  20. I\'m pretty sure my craft could do it, but I\'ll get back to you when I do. I\'ll post screenshots of all three locations.
  21. Can the landing at KSC be just the pod, landed with a parachute? And is mechjeb allowed?
  22. Thanks, that\'s helpful -.- I\'m only asking because it seems that many ships call for it, and I\'d like to randomly test other\'s ships.
  23. I just got the game recently, and I keep hearing about something called MechJeb, which I\'m assuming is a mod, yet I can\'t find it on this forum. Any help?
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