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Everything posted by cheech420now

  1. We should all meet up in teamspeak someday. - - - Updated - - - The tailfin is a little confusing btw. too many settings lol
  2. The RCS is definitely messed up. I cant dock to the ISS cause it just isnt working at all.
  3. It must be one of yhe Chaka plugins doing it - - - Updated - - - I belive you guys nailed it this time! Flew great to 250km and back.
  4. Also the tail fin dont connect right. - - - Updated - - - Nope no new mods i keep this install clear just for CSS. - - - Updated - - - OK it was a mod lol. I nstalled Chacka for testing and forgot
  5. Anyone else have Strange things in the VAB with the SSME's?
  6. You gonna post the changes for testing Jeast? - - - Updated - - - Also What cockpit model you using?
  7. Yes. And if you look at my pics you can see i did remove all the fuel with both models and its still way off - - - Updated - - - Found a new issue. Seems to be breaking apart.
  8. Also the rcs in the nose dont really work. I see an issue with the Com and CoL. The CoL is way to far to the rear
  9. If you use MechJeb the shuttle really has a hard time with manuver nodes. They move all over the nav ball.
  10. You should look at the KSO. The big one is one piece. Nose,Cabin,CargoBay, and Engine Mount.
  11. If you install the collisionfx mod you will see it. It goofs it up somehow. I unistalled the collision fx mod and it all works fine. - - - Updated - - - Oh on a side note i have all the MIR and ISS textures converted to dds and it saves 50 of the memory. - - - Updated - - - Soyuz also. But that one model for the S3 - P3 Truss is messed up. The colliders are broken and need redone but im lost in Unity also lol
  12. Thats what i did right after you posted them. You know how to fix it?
  13. Im just getting used to blender man not verry good at it. I can mess with textures and such but that truss needs work in unity i belive.
  14. If you comment out the landing gear module in the fairings config it will fix it //MODULE //{ //name = ModuleLandingGear //animationName = airbrake //stowedDragMin = 0.1 //stowedDragMax = 0.2 //deployedDragMin = 0.001 //deployedDragMax = 0.001 //} In the SoyuzU_TMAshroudD.cfg Located at GameData\SovietPack\Parts\SoyuzU
  15. [Exception]: MissingFieldException: Field '.Part.temperature' not found. Was indeed the charring on the heatshield and decent module. I fixed it. Now just for the truss error! Ok ill stop talking bout ISS and Soyuz here. Back to CSS.
  16. I got Soyuz working but it spams an error. [Exception]: MissingFieldException: Field '.Part.temperature' not found.
  17. Bobcats ISS or Community ISS just needs the nodes fixed. Other than that i been using it with no problems. - - - Updated - - - Oh and all the ISS stuff needs put in the Tech Tree.
  18. No its fine Mike i just like the texture switch for the cargo bay and crew cabin is all. I like to build the shuttle fleet. If you need help with textures i will try and help. Im getting the hang of blender now.
  19. Ill make a video to show you the collision issue. - - - Updated - - - Well its not doing it now lol. My game was just bugged i guess. After a few tries it seems to be ok. That arm has issues though lol.
  20. Its worse now more than ever in my opinion. It should stay multiple parts like the original and just be adjusted for the 1.0.2 physics and aero. Not all changed up. The boosters i agree with. The new ones are good but the old decoupler for them works just fine. Why change it? Whatever you did to the model for the Shuttle broke it. Now it has collision issues with its self.
  21. We need to fix the downloads. They are way too confusing!
  22. I dont have any modeling experience but i have all the stuff to learn. I have Blender, the Part Tools, Unity, and Photoshop at my disposal. I can help test. I have an empty KSP install just for it. - - - Updated - - - Do you have teamspeak 3?
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