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Sky Visitor

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Everything posted by Sky Visitor

  1. Hi guys, I recently got a joystick for playing KSP and was wondering what people thought the best flight simulator is. So far I have seen Microsoft Flight, Microsoft FSX, and X-Plane 10. MF seems very limited. FSX, from what I can tell of the demo, is a good simulator but the graphics are dated. X-Plane 10 boasts better graphics but I am not sure if the sim is as good as FSX. Can anyone tell me what their favorite flight sim is and why? I am a poor student so I only want to buy one game
  2. Someone posted a video of a lunar landing on Reddit (before KSP had its own subreddit). I watched a few other videos and quickly bought the game
  3. I built a brand new rocket design, and flew all the way to the Mun and attempted to land before realizing I forgot RCS thrusters on the lander. I then added the RCS thrusters and did a few other minor modifications and then flew all the way back to the Mun to attempt another landing. Only to realize I left the RCS fuel at home.
  4. I really don\'t see any issue. I don\'t use mods because I find I get a greater sense of accomplishment when my crafts are built with vanilla parts. Does this mean I care if other players use mods? No, because it makes the game more enjoyable for them, and that is what this is all about - having fun. If someone wants to mod the fuel tank to carry 3238923490 fuel so they can make it to the moon with 1 fuel tank and an engine, that really doesn\'t affect anyone else. The simple answer here is for you not to use mods in career mode. Now if there were a leaderboard or some other factor which would be affected, this would be a different story. But as the game currently stands, with no one gaining an advantage by using mods other than their own personal enjoyment and satisfaction, there is no issue.
  5. I\'m going to second this, because when I figured out how to use fins as landing legs (back in the day when we didn\'t have those fancy deployable legs) my lunar landers would always topple over or twist the fins until they broke upon landing. This is because I wasn\'t using RCS to negate my horizontal velocity. Put RCS thrusters at the top and bottom of your lander for maximum efficiency. Negating the horizontal velocity is just as important as the vertical velocity.
  6. You have more than enough RAM. The problem is most likely that you have an APU (graphics are integrated into the processor), and not a standalone dedicated graphics card. I used to be able to play KSP on my integrated graphics, but now I have to use the dedicated GPU. It is not possible to upgrade the graphics card on all laptops, and if it is it may be a process which involves disassembling the whole laptop. If you were on the fence about getting a good desktop, I\'d say jump for it. However, if you were looking to keep this laptop for another couple years and a GPU upgrade is possible it may be worth the investment.
  7. Thanks for putting together this thread. On a whim I googled 'Kerbal Space Program Joystick' because I thought how much fun it would be to play that way, and it brought me here. After much comparing, I have decided to go with the T-Flight Thrustmaster Hotas X. Placed the order through Amazon today, and I can\'t wait to get it! I was considering the Logitech 3D Pro, but the real deal breaker for me was when I saw that the Hotas X had a separate throttle unit. It seems to be the most affordable joystick offering that feature. I will post an update when it arrives in few days if anyone is interested.
  8. I have bought so many games that cost $40-$60 dollars that didn\'t even give me more than 10-15 hours of enjoyment. KSP has given me many, many more times that. The only other game I have ever enjoyed this much from alpha was Minecraft, which I finally grew bored of after hundreds of hours of play time.
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