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Everything posted by Valdez

  1. Yeah I first tried to watch it with the mindset of viewing a normal film and was disappointed. The second time I tried to relax and enjoyed it much more, it's a sort of 'experience' (I know that sounds vague).
  2. I agree, 2061 didn't feel like a part of the series. Very short, nothing monumental, and the characters weren't really explored. Still worth reading though.
  3. Yeah I felt 2001 was faintly boring, but you get an indescribable sense of having experienced something exceptional. And for that, it is probably my favourite film. Also, you should read 2010 as soon a possible, (in my humble opinion) the best in the series and absolutely breathtaking, particularly the characters.
  4. Rule 3? We are being oppressed, comrades. We must protest in Red Square! In all seriousness, the age limit is fair enough.
  5. Redesign my Mun rocket and try and get Jeb to walk on the surface. Unfortunately I\'ve killed too many Kerbals already to risk more being stranded just to stage a rescue mission (just kidding, you can never kill too many Kerbals). And hopefully get my shoddy spaceplane designs to work.
  6. I used to document my first Mun and Minmus missions with several screenshots and a short description of each flight (the program had an 80% fatality rate ). Maybe I was being a bit obsessive...
  7. Welcome! I love the rover design. Your English is flawless, by the way.
  8. Thank you Wise One. ;D That is rather interesting though, I didn\'t know about them and I think I will try and look for them.
  9. Sorry if I\'m being slightly lazy by surrendering the problem to you guys ;D but this has kind of stumped me. As you can see below, there are three columns of four tanks strapped to each of three more columns of four tanks in the centre. The problem is about three minutes into the flight the middle engines stop firing, but the outer ones continue. I\'ve placed pumps in various places to try and supply the central ones to no avail. It doesn\'t matter too much (it gets into orbit fine) but the problem still niggles me. Do any of you have any suggestions? I don\'t know why each engine won\'t use the four tanks above it when I take all the pipes away - they seem to insist on transferring fuel. And the .craft file: http://www./?hucoyt9qv7hut79 Thanks for reading, sorry if the answer is painfully obvious.
  10. Hehe, thanks all.
  11. Ahaha, that\'s a great name ;D
  12. My friend told me about it - he saw it on a gaming site.
  13. ;D Thanks for replying.
  14. Why, surely it\'s the Kerbal incarnation of TMA-1.
  15. I like Minmus\' cyan shade and the isolated, idyllic feel of it. You also get nice views of Kerbin and the Moon.
  16. I often jettison near-empty stages when making orbital corrections because of the limited time I have at one point, and of course forget to deactivate the old engines. I go up in smoke every time.
  17. Hello all, I\'m an average fellow from the south of England. I completely fell in love with this game when I first heard about it (I\'ve always been fascinated by rockets and space), I love the wackiness and the community, which seems intelligent, mature and helpful. I often discuss designs with my friends (you can see we have far too much time on our hands). Then again, if you knew how many kerbonauts I\'d left stranded on the moon due to my ineptitude you\'d probably permanently ban me from the forums ;D . -Valdez
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