MSL (Mars Science Laboratory) At this page: when you scroll down see you the countdown to the touchdown Watch Curiosity's Landing! Aug 5, 2012 10:31 p.m. Pacific Aug 6, 2012 1:31 a.m. Eastern Aug 6, 2012 5:31 a.m. Universal At this page: when you have installed Java for your internet browser did you can see a computer simulation with live data from the MSL an you can see the landing of the MSL live, too. And here you can see the NASA TV live and here can you see the first picture from the rover MSL: And here is a size comparison from msl and the 2 other rovers (the right is MSL 899 kg): And the difficultly is for the land the MSL with heatshield parachute... are weight more then 1000 KG and there are at atmosphere entry 13.000 mph fast and thay can't use airballs to land like the other rovers so the resolution was a parachute will bring the msl to 200 mp/h and then they will be eject with a jetpack xD and they will land the MSL with a crane rope. (is on the picture as attachments) I hope thats the touchdown will be great. PS.: Sry for my bad english And i hope some Modders make this Rover (MSL) in Kerbal Space Program xDDD and the peoples from the Kerbal Team can use the atmossphere entry from the computer simulation (when you click on the preview mode)