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Everything posted by Minit

  1. 1.4.5. I thought it might be the version, so I made a copy of my save and rolled it back to 1.4.4 by changing the persistence file, but that didn't fix it.
  2. Hey friends, I've been having a ton of trouble the last few days with this. I'm building a base on the Mun, and to speed that up I sent a 5m KIS container filled with Ranger Ag modules, ILMs, multitrusses and tundra multihubs, and sent an engineer out to build the base on site. The problem is that whenever I load the save or the base loads into view, the parts that I constructed in eva become really distorted, like they've been clipped into each other or off centered. But according to the vessel view, the pieces are all still connected to each other, even though certain modules are displayed as ten meters or more away. Each load also seems to push the base farther down the 2.5 degree slope it's sitting on, as measured by distance to my first flag planted, despite the ground tether. I'm not really sure what's happening, my base has just become a mess and frankly I don't really want to play this anymore if it's going to be like this. I spent an hour setting it up just for it to mess itself up, and then I went out and fixed it and it just did it again. I don't know what to do anymore.
  3. Hey friends, Just a basic question: I'm setting up a mining Outpost on minmus and want to use a nuclear reactor to power it. The area has abundant uraninite (~12%), so drilling large quantities is not difficult. I can't figure out how to turn it into enriched uranium, though. I've googled it, and apparently in the past you would use an mks science module, but that doesn't exist anymore. Any hints? Thanks
  4. Did we ever figure out the mystery of the "Final Transmission"? That may be a good way to bide time until .17 (Also, Sal, I mean not to be rude, only brutally honest when I say this: Scenario's? Really? Capitalization? A totally unnecessary apostrophe? Unless the next thing you talk about belongs or somehow relates to the scenarios, don't use it) (You call yourself a moderator...)
  5. And, as such, our friends on board the aptly-named Armstrong Station Mission, have landed on the Moon. Now, I'm going to put this persistence file on a flash drive and put it in, oh, a safety deposit box or something. Maybe that would be a little extreme. Oh well. He will be missed.
  6. Very good! (Also, as a side note, your signature says "To the Difficulty through stars." Did you mess that up? )
  7. This is my first station, so, don't judge me too harshly, okay? I decided to go simple and do a Skylab-Salyut sort of single module station... (The opposite being, going all "Mir on its soul" http://imgur.com/a/T9owk#0
  8. I was going in for a landing on the Mun one time, and, seeing as we had just passed the 7500 meter mark, it seemed well past time to separate from the transfer stage. One thing that I forgot to do before staging, however, was throttle down the stage... In short, I disconnected the two, and, without the added weight of the lander, the stage shot straight up into the lander's engine... It didn't end well.
  9. I'd like to say, mission accomplished. Here's an imgur album: http://imgur.com/a/SuTkA The rover can reach speeds of 200m/s on the ground. And faster than that, and you reach orbit, which is how you retreat to Kerbin. I call it the spaceplane method. Cool, huh? ~MINIT
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