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Everything posted by Arsonide

  1. They will have default values for anything new I added, meaning that they might look a little goofy, any that generate after the patch will look fine. This patch was the first step towards mod compatibility, and I didn't get HOME in, I did, however, get MKS and OKS in, which more people seemed to be using. What I'm thinking about doing is showing all waypoints for all missions in the tracking station, even missions that are still on the board, but in game, you will only see accepted ones.
  2. I released a minor hotfix that corrects the erroneous message thrown by ModStatistics, as I do not want people to think that my mod is affiliated with it. There are no gameplay changes in this fix.
  3. It was going to be a quick one, then I realized that I had two options: make you able to match the orbit in either direction (retrograde or prograde), or find a way to show which way the orbit is going. I've found a way, but it'll take some time to implement.
  4. Satellites are in the works. The feedback against aerial survey clutter was great enough that I wanted to get this out as soon as possible. I threw in the cupola objective so there'd be something new in addition to features. The changelog is at the top of the last page. EDIT: Main post has a changelog section now.
  5. I'm not using 4.5, or using any newer features, so it's not an issue for me. A good place to discuss this is in a stickied thread in the addon development forum, not in the error logs of the users of other people's addons. To be clear: I do not support or condone the interaction of ModStatistics with any mods or users that have chosen not to utilize it. I will change the assembly to stop this error, but only to prevent confusion caused by that mod, and not any problems that my mod is experiencing.
  6. Oh no ModStatistics can't crawl through my code? It's not a big deal, but I will retarget it in the next version so that this mod can go through my assemblies without displaying alarming messages to users. To clarify, this is ModStatistics throwing it's own error - not my mod, and not Kerbal Space Program.
  7. Any contracts on the mission board will upgrade themselves with anything required, but they might have weird values for the objectives. So yes it's compatible, just keep an eye out for that. Over time normal new version missions will pop up. If you want to force that to happen immediately, you can use the debug menu to flush the mission board and regenerate new contracts. EDIT: Alt-F12->Contracts->Tools
  8. I can look into it, but I will say that while I will internally support other mods, I will not create dependencies on them.
  9. This was fixed in 0.51a, go download! I was keeping track of asteroids by using their tracking time, but I guess that doesn't get updated, so now I keep track of them by their seeds. I tested it with Hyperedit thoroughly, swapped between vessels, jumped around to different scenes and objectives, it works.
  10. I've released version 0.51a on KerbalStuff. Here are the changes: Added support for modded parts in some contracts, including: Antennae from AntennaRange and RemoteTech. Power Systems from from Interstellar, Modular/Orbital Kolonization, and Near Future. Wheels from Firespitter, and landing gears now count as well. Enhanced state tracking in many contracts, due to a bug in stock code, docking ports will no longer need to be open, just present, in station and base contracts. The mod support will also alleviate some confusion with the "Station Systems" objective. ARM contracts got a practical overhaul internally, as they were not functioning. Please keep me updated on if you are able to complete these contracts or not. I am in testing, but the more feedback the better. Also keep me updated if they complete for no reason, and when they do so. No more than two contracts of any given type by Fine Print will appear on the contract board at any given time. Aerial waypoints now appear in the same general area. It is still a decent range, but they will be in the same hemisphere. Aerial rewards reduced by 25% to compensate. Rover waypoints now appear in much smaller areas, and there are less of them. To compensate I have doubled their rewards. Still looking for feedback on these. You can now click on waypoints in the main map, this will cause a navigation icon to appear on your navball to assist you in completing your contracts. If you have a navigation waypoint set, you can click the same waypoint to disable it, or it will disable whenever you complete an objective at that waypoint. Stations and bases will now occasionally request a cupola viewing port. Slightly increased the rate at which exceptional station contracts will ask to be built into new asteroids. Gave significant station contracts a very rare chance to ask to be built into new asteroids. Slightly increased the rate at which exceptional base contracts will ask for a mobile base. Gave significant base contracts a very rare chance to ask for a mobile base. Aerial contracts should not appear until later in the technology tree, as I don't think Kerbals can flap two canards fast enough to make it to the south pole.
  11. I've already fixed this issue, it will be in the patch I will be releasing later.
  12. I've tweaked the logic of several missions, but I am using Hyperedit and I'm putting them through the ringer now to make sure they function properly. I added a cupola request to the facility missions, and you can now click waypoints to set a navball reference on them.
  13. There could be, but at the very least they'd be varied, and the system rarely doesn't put any stock missions in there, at least in my testing.
  14. I just figured out how to lock them down. What's a good max number of any particular contract do you think? Four is what I chose, but is that too high? Right now I have it set to: 1 station 1 base 2 arm 4 rover 4 aerial Set in that order because the more difficult/lucrative missions should be rarer. Those are max numbers, there might be less on the board as stock contracts fill up.
  15. Got this puppy working, needs some more work to actually make it point the right way though. If all goes well tomorrow, it may be tomorrow night. I can't make promises, except a promise that I'm putting a lot of work into getting it out.
  16. I just added support for MKS/OKS power systems to facilities, and antennae from AntennaRange and Remotech. Does anybody have a list of the module names for all of the power generators in Interstellar? EDIT: I got it, nevermind. Now is the time to start throwing module names of power systems/antennae/docking ports/wheels from your favorite mods if you want them detected. Module names, not part names.
  17. The system that chooses which contracts to pick was not modified. I am not sure why it loves aerial surveys, but it might have to do with the fact that they're at the front of the alphabet. It's on my list, I'll throw a dice roll on it or something. Meanwhile I think for station missions I'll just require a docking module period, and not an "open" docking module, to circumvent this bug.
  18. I think I've traced it to a null reference error within Squad's own docking module code. Whenever a null reference happens contracts tend to poof or do mysterious things. Of course, since it's in Squad's code I'm not sure what I can do other than change the requirements around a bit to not care whether you have docking ports or not. If it comes to that, I'll do it, but I'm going to keep playing with it.
  19. Did some quick testing of this, you sir have found a bug, congratulations. Apparently the state is A: weird, and B: can kill the contract off if you put two docking ports on your ship in the right pattern. I'll get right on it. For reference, I need to ask two questions. For the moment I was actually able to mess with the docking port (dock it to things) and complete the objective, but that's not the intention. Was your ship launched after the date the contract was accepted? What kind of docking port was it? Modded?
  20. You need a docking port that is currently in the "ready" state as of now. (Not already attached to something.) The intention of that requirement was that people create stations to be future proof, so after the contract is over they can reuse them. Apparently shielded docking ports have an issue with that, but any other will do. Please let me know how this goes, I tested retrieval into orbit, but I never managed to get one on escape from the sun. The code is sound, I'm just not that good. Please take note of the note on that objective, I added it in the last patch to prevent an exploit. Retrieval only works on asteroids that are discovered and tracked after the contract is accepted.
  21. Rover clusters are landlocked, aerial ones are not, but don't cluster. My plan is to use the clustering of the rovers, increase the distance dramatically, and unlock them from land for aerial missions. They should at least be on the same continent, I agree. I'm also considering toning down the amount of points in a rover mission, making them closer together, or both. If I tone down the number of waypoints, I will increase the rewards per waypoint. EDIT: Fixed waypoints spawning for completed objectives.
  22. The plan for the next patch is to have them clickable to drop them on the navball, as well as some tweaks to mission difficulty. There are also some minor issues that need fixing. No new mission types for the next patch, it's all polish. Should be a day or two. This is definitely not intended behavior. My original code checked for the technology right at the top of the generate function, but right before release I moved it into one of Squad's functions which is supposed to check before the mission even starts generating. I guess it'd be more reliable as the mission is generated. Thank you.
  23. The next mission is going to be satellite deployment. I've already begun work on rendering the target orbit that the agency wants you to be in on the map: Yes I realize that's a wide orbit for a satellite. Also I'm keeping a close eye on the feedback you guys are providing, and tweaks to mission availability and difficulty will be present as well.
  24. I will look into restricting the aerial surveys to higher technology levels. Still balancing the numbers, remember, a rover mission ends when you find the right point, you don't have to go to all of them. Higher difficulty levels do get more waypoints and slightly further apart. However, you get rewarded with each one you pass through, which can get really profitable if it takes you a while to find the right one.
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