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Everything posted by flightmaster

  1. Ah of course, I think my question still stands though, do they generate similar amounts of power-per-sq. ft?
  2. I was just wondering how similar to real life the in-game solar panels are in terms of power generation? E.g. the ISS has quite a few solar panels, however, a sngle Gigantic XL Solar Panel in-game provides more than enough power for any reasonable sized ship/station/vehicle. Is it just a question of scale or are the in-game panels very overpowered?
  3. Is this the current case? I didn't realise it was currently like this, I thought if you put an object in an orbit that intercepted the atmosphere, it would decay, whether you were there or not...
  4. Don't you guys get annoyed with having so much clutter when trying to select different ships? Obviously the guys who get rid of it won't
  5. Just curious, how many people leave their debris in orbit? I personally turn it off in the settings menu, I don't see any advantage to it and even if it does make it more realistic it just clutters up my map/tracking station views. I know HarvesteR said he was working on a filter for the map view but even then, what's the point of leaving it on if you aren't even going to acknowledge that it's there?
  6. Yeah I agree, usually the team is great at communicating with us, the blog is the one thing that keeps me sane while waiting for the next update! I can't explain how excited I get when I hear what new things are coming to KSP
  7. Plus they had to ensure it was as light and as tough as possible. Quiet a trade-off
  8. Sounds delicious! I'm quite keen! Thanks for the update
  9. Ok I've done a fair chunk of experimenting, trying to figure out what it was. From what I can see it's the type of wheel used. Only the RoveMax Model 3 (the huge ones) works with the winch from my tests, the other two show the same symptoms of the hook just falling off.
  10. Not sure, the number for Kerbin (4500) indicates how much it requires to take-off but that might just be in the wrong place, the author may have meant to put it as the "orbit" number.
  11. Ok so I was having a look through some vehicles that it'd been working on previously and found that this one was working with rover wheels... I'm baffled http://imgur.com/a137vm0 EDIT: Just experimenting with adding images sorry, never done it before...
  12. I LOVE this, I've tried similar but it's never worked for me
  13. N.B. I'm going to make the assumption you understand Delta V, if not, let us know. This map is used to plan your trip to other planets. We'll start small. If you look at the number in the middle of Kerbin, you'll see that it says 4500. This 4500 means that you'll need 4500 m/s Delta V (change in velocity) to get into orbit around Kerbin. From there, you need 860 m/s Delta V to intercept the Mun and you'll need a further 210 m/s Delta V to turn your intercept into an orbit (otherwise you'll just fling off the other side). To get to Gilly, for example, you'll need 4500 m/s to get into orbit, 950 m/s to escape Kerbin's SOI and intercept Kerbol (the Sun), 80 m/s to intercept Eve, (depending how you do the next part) 1310 m/s to orbit Eve and then 1650 m/s to intercept Gilly. Another 210 m/s to get into orbit and 35 m/s if you want to land. So all up, if you do it exactly as it says on table (there are other, more efficient ways), you'll need a ship capable of having 8735 m/s Delta V in order to land on Gilly. I hope this makes sense!
  14. That's what I was trying to avoid so I tested it on Kerbin. I'm assuming the update got lost in the server outage?
  15. Wow that seems like an awful lot of bother! I hope it gets updated sometime soon to be compatible with rover wheels, it's such a great mod!
  16. I might not have explained myself properly, it's the actual electro-magnet itself that falls off, not anything attached to the node. So I can't use the winch at all essentially.
  17. Either way, it wasn't the nodes. Yeah I am using it with wheels, I didn't really think of that.
  18. Yeah that was my first issue but if you put it on the lowest node you don't even get the ability to lower it, it just says "No hook attached" so that wasn't it but thanks anyway!
  19. Hey all, I've just been getting back into the game after a while of not playing and I've decided to have a go at using the KAS (Kerbal Attachment System), however, when I attempt to lower the winch (with an electro-magnet attached) the electro-magnet just falls of, no matter what I do. This happens with and without anything attached. Any ideas? This is a great mod and I'd love to be able to use it to help me build my bases. Cheers!
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