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Everything posted by Leon_Brooks

  1. Has anyone mentioned the "infinite" kerbal spawn bug? happens when you eva a kerbal into a crewtank then use the lazor system to warp them out of the vessel. It will place a physical kerbal with the same name where ever you warp it out to while keeping the same named kerbal in the crew tank. made 5 of the same named kerbals and stood them next to each other. I am assuming I could have made more. my craft had a 3 man pod and 4 crew tanks.
  2. I am a big fan of orbit command ships. I have one over Mun and one over Minmus, each in polar orbit. Mun command at 400k and Min command at 175k. Those, in turn, hit one of two relay sats in a 30degree orbit. 150k for Mun and 75k for Minmus. Finally ending the connection to rovers with 250kRC Antennas attached. As for more crew to make it workable... Sounds like a great balance. I think four would be a good number. One man pod+crew tank. Edit: I may have suggested four because the orbit commands I currently have in orbit consist of a one man pod and crew tank
  3. That was the problem. thank you R4m0n for the quick response. Let the good times roll.
  4. this is what I get > dofile("mun.lua") IsolatedStorageException: Could not find file "C:\Users\not yours\Documents\KSP_win\PluginData\mumechlib\mun.lua". same if I do > dofile("mun") IsolatedStorageException: Could not find file "C:\Users\not yours\Documents\KSP_win\PluginData\mumechlib\mun".
  5. My system had become too cluttered so I started over. First things first, relay system. followed by rover on mun... and here we are. The directional comsat is pointing at the ground but it was the only place I could mount it. http://imgur.com/a/CwEk9#0 This rover is considered "manned" so it has the option of local control but I did not use it, despite it being on in the pics( turns on automatically when loading from space center). Total relay delay is .11 sec so its pretty much instant response anyway.*I could have cut three satts out of that relay and I know the satts around the Mun are not in position( nevermind that there are not enough of them to maintain constant contact with surface vessels) but I would direct you to my Sig.. plus I like that black-out period for roleplaying and what not. Next rover goes to Minmus( i already have a manned orbital command station in position(polar orbit at 350x350k) then the manned flight start. Too much fun.
  6. I dont even get that far. Mine says it cant find the file. I followed the instructions, as simple as they are and still cant seem to get this to work for me. Downloaded the script to ksp_win/plugindata/mumechlib/. Named the file mun.lua. When I type: dofile("mun") it just brings up the search string and says its not there. where am I going wrong?
  7. I use this mod to control jettisoned stages, that still have fuel, into sub-orbital trajectories. Thanks to this I have no more "big" debris. I also put a 'orbital mission control' in orbit above Minmus(manned by Jeb, himself) to control multiple remote controlled rovers on the surface. When I want to have some fun I'll turn of the connection to the orbital command station and use the relay system I set up for some delayed control driving, as minor as it may be. When the new planets are released this mod make role-playing missions so much more fun. Keep it up, JDP.
  8. Should the tractor beam focus on the target like the other lazors or no? Not sure if this is working for me. Lovin this plug-in and thanks for the hard work
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