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Everything posted by solomon

  1. Have you ever read/watched 2001: A Space Odyssey? If you haven't, here's the basics. There is 1 monolith on the earth, and one on the moon, placed by aliens. If you are in the presence of one, then your species evolves. That's how, according to the book/movie, humans evolved from apes. I was thinking that since the monoliths scattered around the Kerbol system look pretty much the same as the ones in 2001:ASO, then they should have more or less the same purpose. The SSTV signals would be decoded to reveal a "star map" or something along those lines. The maps would either be a hi-res topographical map of a planet in the Kerbol system, or they would unlock another star system that you could fly to.
  2. You would have to bring the recording back to the space center, where it would automatically be decoded there. Remember, the SSTV signal spans like 50 square meters and is just one tiny spot in all of Duna, so it would be pretty tricky to find. I agree that it is a bit OP. The main problem is that once one person posted the location of it, everyone else would know too. Maybe it would be randomly placed along the surface of Duna?
  3. I, as are probably everyone else, am looking forward to the addition of tech trees in Kerbal Space Program. That got me thinking. Here's my suggestion: (Warning, spoilers ahead) What if you could use the current 2001 space odyssey-esque monoliths scattered around the Kerbol system to unlock new part trees. I don't mean just singular parts. I mean entire trees of parts. For you to use the monolith, you would have to get a Kerbal to stand next to it, right click the Kerbal, then select a new option: photograph. Your Kerbal would then walk around the monolith , taking pictures of it as he goes. Once you take off again and land back at KSC, then you can recover your flight. That will then add the monolith-specified branch to your tech tree. For instance, one of the monoliths on the moon would unlock the Nuclear Power branch, which includes NERVAs, RTGs, etc., which you would then have to research. Another monolith might contain advanced alloy technologies, which, depending on what level you research it to, would reduce the dry mass of everything by up to 50%. Maybe you could even go to the site of the "Duna code", have your kerbal listen to and decode the SSTV signal, which would unlock major things, such as new planets, maps of existing planets or even new star systems. Just my idea for the tech trees. Any suggestions, constructive criticism, or death threats are welcome. Well, maybe not the last one. You get the point. Hope you enjoyed my idea. P.S. Sorry, spoilers didn't work. Anyone know how to do them?
  4. This is the most amazing KSP art I have ever seen. A hi-res downloadable version would be awesome. Love to have this for my computer's desktop background. What did you use to model/render the scene?
  5. Dear Squad, I want you to add
  6. I enjoy looking on the forums and attempting random challenges.
  7. It's about the same, except that you cannot be influenced by more than one source of gravity at a time, making Lagrangian points impossible.
  8. A fast and agile spaceplane. A little difficult to takeoff, but very fun to use once you get it into the air. It can travel across 1/3-1/2 of Kerbin. How to fly: 1) Turn precision controls on 2) Hold down "S" until the spaceplane taks off. 3) This is the tricky part; the plane sometimes flips and crashes. You have to stabilise. 4) Angle the plane at about 45° 5) At about 10km, point the plane at about 5° 6) Turn on ASAS and (if you want) timewarp. The plane can fly smoothly at x4 (timewarp) 7) I have not yet landed it in one piece, so good luck Some pictures: http://imgur.com/a/tWoKr#0 Download: http://www./download.php?mirea56f5pueyfb Please tell me if any links are broken. If you have any suggestions, feel free to tell me them.
  9. Mechjeb, Deep Space, NovaPunch, Damned Robotics/Aerospace
  10. For space stations, I'd recommend Orbital Construction. Deep Space and NovaPunch are also good mods to have.
  11. Hello! I would like to join Quantum Industries. I'm great at making giant rockets that (sometimes) work (but usually explode), and I can make advanced spaceplanes using Damned Robotics and Damned Aerospace. I am also good at making low-orbit space stations around planets, and interplanetary rockets. Please consider accepting me into Quantum Industries, as I think I would be a very good addition.
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