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Everything posted by FlexGunship

  1. KW is always on my list of must-haves. I can't wait... had to post before I ever downloaded! Thanks!
  2. ========== OUTPUTING STACK TRACE ================== (0x0000000103DF0000) ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available) + 0x0 (0x000000006D37FA8C) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): Keramzit.PayloadScan:addPayload (UnityEngine.Collider) + 0x46c (000000006D37F620 000000006D37FE07) [00000000023A4D48 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0 (0x000000006D37F019) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): Keramzit.ProceduralFairingBase:scanPayload () + 0x379 (000000006D37ECA0 000000006D37F0E2) [00000000023A4D48 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0 (0x000000006D37C1C5) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): Keramzit.ProceduralFairingBase:recalcShape () + 0xe5 (000000006D37C0E0 000000006D37EC14) [00000000023A4D48 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0 (0x000000006D37C076) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): Keramzit.ProceduralFairingBase:Update () + 0xa6 (000000006D37BFD0 000000006D37C0A4) [00000000023A4D48 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0 (0x00000000042372DB) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) + 0x6b (0000000004237270 000000000423734A) [00000000023A4D48 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0 (0x000007FEDDE536CA) (mono): (filename not available): mono_set_defaults + 0x2b8e (0x000000000B1C6FA8) ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available) + 0x0 (0x00000000FFFFFFFF) ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available) + 0x0 (0x00000000023A4D48) ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available) + 0x0 ========== END OF STACKTRACE =========== I got this in the output_log after updating RealCutes this morning (was working with it before).
  3. Hey guys, I was just over watching Rick Astley on YouTube when the view counter jumped by several hundred thousand... what gives?!
  4. It's the lowest level of a development upload. Comes before test build. And test build comes before a release candidate.
  5. Scratchpad is bad news guys. Not good news. Means the did a test upload with changes. Changes are bad. It means they fixed something. Then you need a test build afterwards.
  6. Minor point of order... it's an STi if it has the wing on the back.
  7. Starting a new rocket (with probe as root) seemed to work. Still not working on my already-existing manned rockets. EDIT: Nevermind. false alarm. only the very first stage reports delta-V.
  8. I had only used 207 before seeing that 212 was released. But 207 had (at least) moderate functionality. Someone missed a ")" or a ";" somewhere.
  9. Do I have the honor of the first bug report? The delta-v stats don't seem to be showing up for me in the VAB or during launch. It's not all zeros... there's just nothing there. Could be because I installed it on an existing game. I will try starting a new, sandbox, game.
  10. PERSISTENT BUG: Ever since build #197 ascent guidance has not responded to "limit to terminal velocity". Tested again in #207. This is true with or without FAR installed.
  11. Has anyone had the ascent guidance system properly limit throttle to "terminal velocity"? If I leave it checked, it's always 100%. It's like MechJeb doesn't know there's an atmosphere on Kerbin and is treating it like the Mun or Minmus.
  12. Woah. I forgot about this mod. I REALLY hope it works. I suspect there will be problems with asteroid trajectories, though.
  13. I'm not getting a flame on anything at all. But I also have FAR installed... so that might be it.
  14. BUG REPORT: During an ascent using the new two-engined LF booster, MechJeb did not adjust throttle based on the "limit to terminal velocity" option. All other options would limit the throttle. (I am using FAR but no other mods. Don't know if that matters.) BUG REPORT: Delta-V calculator in VAB doesn't change when switching reference bodies.
  15. It's been a while since I've used MechJeb, but I think that's the correct message. If you're orbiting Tylo, then it would be correct to say that Vall is not the same sphere of influence. Think about it. How would a Hohmann transfer get you from one moon to another? You'd have to leave the sphere of influence of Tylo, enter Jool's, then leave Jool's and enter Vall's. That's not a Hohmann transfer. Leave Tylo's influence (i.e. enter orbit around Jool) and then try a Hohmann transfer to the same orbit as Vall. [carefully uninstalls build 198]
  16. That's great news. This is a must-have mod for me. Right up there with Ferram Aerospace. Maybe ask whoever is maintaining the KSPX pack (stupid_chris?) if you can include a copy of that LES in your pack. That's the one I've always used and it hasn't been changed with the release of ARM.
  17. My heart is still pounding. The SteamDB update happened within a minute of the animation update and within three minutes of the old thread being closed.
  18. Gah! Check steamdb!!! Change to public repository!!!!!!! 2 minutes agoChanged Depots 220201/manifests/public: 3620846789892868422 › 6014730364487332298 220202/manifests/public: 6487460773391791506 › 4046949272036316146 220203/manifests/public: 4150606788864486626 › 2749349864723414952 branches/public/buildid: 159708 › 225089 NEW ANIMATION ON HOME PAGE!!! EDIT: THIS IS IT!!! It's happening for REAL!!
  19. Oh god, I have a meeting... OKAY... NO ONE MAKE ANY JOKES ABOUT IT BEING RELEASED WHILE I'M GONE! Okay? I'm serious!
  20. Speak of the Devil and he shall appear! Shouldn't you be off somewhere developing a game or something?
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