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Everything posted by FlexGunship

  1. Confirmed. Looks like an accidental recommit. Don't know if ckan can fix it. MachXXV may have to recommit the current version. EDIT: Okay, maybe it's an issue with ckan after all. Looks like ckan sees commits of "x.10" as being LESS than "x.9". It's treating version numbers as decimal numbers. That sucks for a lot of modders. (In this case, ckan thinks 2.12 is less than 2.8).
  2. I hate to be "that guy", but I can't get your fairings to work. I have KW installed and years of experience with e-dog's procedural fairings mod. But the fairings won't attach to the radial points on either the Procedural Fairings bases nor the KW p-fairing bases.
  3. Is anyone having trouble with the KW fairings (Jupiter, Long March, etc.) not attaching to the custom fairing bases? I can see two attachment points, but nothing will attach to them. EDIT: To be clear: they are the blackheart procedural fairings. Shoot, am I in the wrong place? CKAN can be a harsh mistress.
  4. The 64k (6.4x) mod was one of my favorites. I would passionately love to see this succeed. 3.7x sounds about right to me! I'm staying tuned for the Tylo/Moho fix.
  5. @e-dog If you do that, I would still love to see my username tucked in a description somewhere. Once upon a time, long ago, I funded this mod and that was my only request.
  6. Okay dokey. Standing by. For what it's worth, my Kerbin crew rotation contracts DO complete. So... I'm not sure if that's new information or unrelated.
  7. I believe I'm experiencing an unreported bug. I've launched all of my stations as per contract requirements. And I'm now getting the "crew rotation" contracts. The first one was to swap out 3 crew members on my 5 Kerbal space station around the Mun. I brought folks up (green check on "Crew: at least 3 kerbals", docked, swapped, and returned home. The contract never completed. So I forced completed it thinking it was a bug. Updated to the latest version of Kerbin Space Station yesterday (v1.4.1) and it asked me to launch all new stations. So I did. I even deorbited my old ones. Got a contract to rotate 2 crew members out of my Minmus station. Launch replacement crew (green check on "Crew: at least 2 Kerbals"), dock with station (never get a green check on "dock with the staion in Minmus orbit"). I have faith though, swap out the crew, bring the old crew home. And the contract never completed. I opened up the various files that come with this pack thinking that maybe the mod stores the station name when you launch it, and when I change the name of the station is breaks... but I can't find this anywhere. Alt+F10 shows only a single yellow line in this area "REQUIREMENT [Expression], (StationCheck). It's a yellow line but shows a green check next to it. Everything else is green or white. TL;DR - Crew rotation contracts never complete.
  8. Derp, was still on v1.0. Testing now. - - - Updated - - - Hmm... after updating, I can't even open my saved game. Clicking "Resume Game" results in nothing. So, I have some other troubleshooting to do. Ignore my bug report until i can verify that it's not the Contract Configurator version.
  9. @severedsolo - I have a bug report. Running KSP v1.0.2 with v1.3.1 of your mod. Description: When I land on Minmus with an Kerbal, EVA him or her, and then plant a flag, that Kerbal becomes permanently non-responsive. The pop-up to write something on the plaque never pops-up which I think it the main issue. The unresponsive Kerbal will still have the right-click menu (and can even take the flag back down), but that Kerbal will never move again. This is repeatable. I have a much more detailed write-up (including which mods I had at the time, and the steps I followed to isolate the problem to your mod) in the following thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/119040-Planting-a-Flag-on-Minmus-Makes-Kerbal-Unresponsive?p=1898987#post1898987 I hope there's enough information there for you to confirm the problem and maybe resolve it. The only thing I failed at was getting a log file. If you need one to resolve this, let me know. I can re-install the mod and launch a new mission.
  10. Confirmed that the "ContractPack - Kerbal Space Station" is causing the problem. for anyone else seeing this problem, that's the root cause. I'll let the mod author know.
  11. Mods: - Space Station Contract Pack - DMagic Orbital Science - Editor Extensions - Kerbal Engineer Redux - RealChute - UniversalStorage - StageRecovery - KerbalJointReinforcement Also: - StockBugFixModules - Replaced v1.0.2 physics with v1.0 physics When I land on Minmus with an Kerbal, EVA him or her, and then plant a flag, that Kerbal becomes permanently non-responsive. The pop-up to write something on the plaque never pops-up which I think it the main issue. The unresponsive Kerbal will still have the right-click menu (and can even take the flag back down), but that Kerbal will never move again. As a workaround, I have to hire a new Kerbalnaut, bring them to plant a flag, and then just leave them there forever. Really unsatisfying. Any thoughts on a workaround for this? - - - Updated - - - Okay, I've narrowed it a bit... I removed the following mods and the issue went away: - Space Station Contract Pack - DMagic Orbital Science - Editor Extensions - Kerbal Engineer Redux - UniversalStorage - StageRecovery - KerbalJointReinforcement I'm adding them back in one at a time (most likely to break first). - - - Updated - - - Okay, down to one of the following mods: - StageRecovery - Space Station Contact Pack
  12. New Aerodynamics. Load FAR or NEAR onto 0.90 and see if you get similar problems. If you do, it's your design and piloting that are in error.
  13. Honestly, this sounds way over-dramatic. This was the cleanest release I've seen. They warned everyone about the new aerodynamics. That's not a bug, that's LIKE REAL LIFE! Guess what... re-entering an atmosphere is HARD! I've played with Deadly Reentry and FAR for so long, this is all second nature. You'll get used to it.
  14. For what it's worth, I LIKE the challenge of recovering stages; it mirrors the real engineering challenges of safely detaching, distancing, and decelerating highly-entrained objects. All real challenges! I think it was the RealChutes mod that allowed you to delay the deployment of a chute. With a couple sepatrons and delayed chutes, I think you'll be in good shape!
  15. https://twitter.com/Maxmaps/status/592718164007452673 Officially "not much longer now".
  16. Is this thread even about KSP anymore? It seems to be about creating as many garbage posts as possible as quickly as possible. Which I'm totally okay with. Choo choo!
  17. I can't believe we hit 300! Good work everyone!
  18. hi wut is kurdel space progrem? can meet aliens and do diplomacy at them? is it 2 late to get moar feetures?
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