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Buzz Kerbin

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Everything posted by Buzz Kerbin

  1. It seems I didn't read the sticky like a bumbling fool. Sorry to waste the space, can this be closed?
  2. I am playing with my niece and I would greatly appreciate at least one female Kerbonaut. Some suggested names: Valentina Kerbishkova (Tribute to Valentina Tereshkova) Svetlana Savitskerba (Tribute to Svetlana Savitskaya) Sally Rocket (Tribute to Sally Ride) Here's a list, as I am terrible at the punny names: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_female_astronauts Someone suggested Marilyn Munroe as well. The kerbins are really fun to look at, and I'd imagine female Kerbins look nearly identical to the male ones. Someone already made a nice fan art (http://vladoportos.sk/wp-content/uploads/odyssey2desktop.png) I myself would be a fan of the funny lipstick on a pig look, but that's my sense of humor. Sorry to bother you with this.
  3. Curious, as I am learning the physics of launch, still haven\'t mastered orbit...
  4. Like the way this game is going, decided to join the com-mün-ity.
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