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Everything posted by emkej

  1. There is already a very similar challenge that has been going for quite a while, so I don`t see any reason to double it: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/11214-The-K-Prize-100-reusable-spaceplane-to-orbit-and-back. Plus, the 0.16 fuel bug makes the fuel tanks restrictions a bit pointless.
  2. I think it looks kinda cool, even though a little bit generic. You are too critical to yourself, building a spaceplane that can complete this challenge and looks good is really difficult, so well done.
  3. They could be interesting, but i think for now they will bo more simple, and will work as a sort of tutorial. Something like: "Land on Mun with this lander starting on Kerbin orbit." or "Return to Kerbin from Mun without". But eventually they will probably be more advanced.
  4. So as a 0.16 entry, I present to you the X-Wing 9000: Ascending to 10km using turbojet engines: Continuing ascend whith rocket engines: Stable orbit at about 100km: Happy Kerbal after succesful landing at KSC: Flight end screen:
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