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Everything posted by PeriapsisPrograde

  1. Grr. Here is the line -- copied and pasted from the yet unworking config. node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.07, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 Vector 0, -1.07, 0 -- set for node pos Vector 0, 1, 0 -- Y is up Integer 1 -- size 1 Looks right to me > EDIT: Got it! After enough messing around, it works.
  2. When I use this part (no textures yet) I have the top node attach point correct, but no the bottom. Its point should be 0, -1.07, 0. Does anyone know why? See attached files.
  3. I hope HarvesteR doesn't mind. The stock yellow chutes look... I dunno, different. I wanted blue (my favo{u}rite colo{u}r) chutes, so I edited HarvesteR's .png tex to be blue. 8) Paste the attached image into your KSP/Parts/parachute_single/textures folder. Then edit the config file to use the texture. I hope you like it EDIT: File size too big?
  4. If I were to try making some custom parts :-X I'd like to know what scale to build them. What is the radius and length of the stock SRBs, for reference? Thanks
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