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Everything posted by L99thebeaver

  1. This has gone too far for too long... I have "owned" this "company" for over a month now, and the first week was the only week I ever received any activity from this page, and the employees have not been pulling their weight, I've made posts here, messaged employees, no response... So here is the deal, employees, if you don't message me at least once a week, you will be terminated from the project, your first deadline is next Saturday, all you have to do is pm me or post here, the consequences have been stated already, you will be terminated from the project...
  2. Welcome back, Captain... Shortest amount of time being fired ever... outside of the Jetsons...
  3. To tell you the truth, I landed on Minmus about a week ago, and still haven't gotten to the Mun, the truth is that Minmus' lower gravity makes it easier to land on...
  4. well, why do we have(or had) a space program now(or then)?
  5. are you honestly complaining that your explosions aren't cool enough?
  6. Alright, I wish you only good fortune
  7. Hey employees, pm me your Skype name, we might be doing a collab together sometime
  8. THE EAGLE HAS LANDED, but I didn't use my theory on EVAing, either that, or I'm really bad at it, now, how exactly do I get my orbit from that of kerbin's to that of a different planet's
  9. thanks, I have been trying to land on ANY moon since .16 and since .17, the new planets have blinded me from my original goal...
  10. So, I've been thinking and I remember someone saying that you can get into orbit around Minmus using just the eva pack, so, if this is true, you should be able to eva from an orbiting ship and land using only your eva pack.
  11. Just download full game when the servers are actually working and it doesnt take an hour to download, then drag all the files into your old ksp_win
  12. Hey guys, sorry about my lack of activity, I've been busy with school, friends, girls, etc. but, I will definetly update the page by monday with new things from myself and the other members of the team...
  13. I got to 5,477,000+ with my MOLD X(Roman 10, not X) and parachuted down safely into the water
  14. now, don't think that I'm not contributing to this, but I think that the reason people don't do this is because the g forces of "hyperdrive" would be too much for people to survive, so using fuel is safer and more conventional
  15. Despite what it says in the thread, I am no longer working under Nuclearwarfare, but I am a business partner with the Labs, please check out\apply for an engineering job at my company, Brand Co. Air & Space.
  16. Yeah, I tried to use it, but it wouldn't open, as if there was no description, so until I get that done, I'll just do it like that...
  17. Welcome to Brand Co Air & Space, where we mass produce planes and rockets to help you achieve missions or just to help you have fun. Below you will find our currently available stock: :cool:L99thebeaver's products: The LTR32(.16 requires c7 mods... for now) Description: Being the 32nd of the series, it is BY FAR the most stable, and the fastest, being able to get upwards of 400 m\s horizontally, this baby does some work! Pictures: 39 P16-Mongoose(.16 requires c7 mods... for now) Description: Pictures: 50-60 L42-Onyx(.17) Description: Highest speed: 567 m\s Pictures: 75-81 J_Man_X_663's products: SK Flyer(.17) Description: Pictures: Imgur Link: http://imgur.com/a/nERXF#0 BF-909X(.17) Description: Pictures: Youtube Link: ]Current Positions: L99thebeaver-Head CEO\Misc. Designer J_Man_X_663-Test Pilot\Head of Military Plane Division\Military Plane Designer Exelcior_esp-Head of Rocketry Division\Rocket Designer Pictures: http://www./?x4pu95usuo6jb We are currently looking for Engineers to create planes or rockets, receptionists to handle specific orders, and possibly test pilots to test and photograph. To make a deal(including plane recommendations or requests) or send an application, PM me...
  18. no, its good, but I have several custom images under my belt, if I get around to it, I could probably make a pretty cool sig\logo
  19. I think we should all have SIMILAR, yet DIFFERENT, signatures featuring our favorite planes from the labs.
  20. Hello, I am a fellow spaceplane designer like yourself, and I would like to apply for the role of an "Aeroneer," I have only made 1 series of planes, the LTR(Lateral Terrain Ranger) series, this is why I would like to join you, so as to feel appreciated and to have a purpose to play KSP, for I am getting bored with the game, as there is only so much we can do until these new planets etc. are implemented. Also, I apologize in advance if this is not how I am supposed to apply, but your post was not EXTREMELY clear on how to do so.
  21. I'm not sure if its a stock part, but c7's mod includes a tank with an extra 750(units?) of fuel, so if you use that in replace of the original 500 tanks, you can maximize the fuel on your plane...
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