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Everything posted by mr.frech

  1. I downloaded it but i couldn´t find the key to fire it?
  2. Sorry, i actually planned that but i accidantelly clicked on "submit post" and than i decided to make each of them a single post, well than i recognized i haven´t give the craft files... YEAH i now i am a ******* Noob ;D!
  3. Firestorm 1: 4 missels Invader: 6 missels Vampire 1: 12 missels 12 bombs
  4. The vampire 1 is a fast, heavy armed attack bomber, its big but still smooth in handling.
  5. The Invader is more smooth and heavier armed as the firestorm also it glides better cause it gots more lift (double wings design)
  6. The Firestorm is actually a fighter, fast, agile, aggressive, medium armed.
  7. well i actually have a few good workin heavy armed plane designs but the problem is i can´t give pictures or anything in here, don´t know why Got you an idea ? (Sorry for bad english )
  8. Wow really helped me much, i actually made to duna but well i used even less math than you *ahem* yes thats possibel but it takes me 14223 days and it was without returning and also i used one of these gaint monster rockets who burn down ksc AND my poor little computer so thank you very much
  9. Well i think it´s kinda impossibel to land on a other planet and get back with vanilla parts caus imagine you have to get the whole rocket, with wich you are getting to duna, on duna and land it.Only in this way you could get back freom duna to kerbin (well ok, maybe the rocket hasn´t to be that big like from kerbin cause of lower gravity on duna). sorry for bad english
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