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Everything posted by Moltove

  1. Rockets that look like they might work in real life generally work in ksp. Another trick is not to have fuel tanks in stacks of more than 2, insted have them attached to the side with decouplers so u can get rid of the extera weight.
  2. your last stage wouldn't have the SAS forces to be able to control the decouple, and the thrust to weight ratio. Also try to turn off RCS as you decouple, that may help. Have fun!
  3. you will need more parachutes, but as the gravitational forces on Duna are less then Kerbin, you wont need 5x as many, more like 2-3
  4. yeah, but it was funny to watch your ship turn into a great black mass
  5. Do atmospheric breathing engines work on the other planets?
  6. I'm just wondering if it is still possible to create mods that would be able to do Star gates, Hyperjumps, or Teleportation. I know that there have been mods of these in the past and that they all broke in 0.17. I want to create colonies across the solar systems, with ships that i can take off from other planets and travel to other planets, without resorting to using the debug unlimited fuel. i have tried to create my own star gate mod, it didn't end well. i even created exit holes in KSP space, to try to quickly jump from place to place, that ended worse. so i am just wondering if it is still possible, or did the ability die with the giant space kraken RIP? Also who else would be intrested in such a mod, i know it is kindof cheating, but there would be ways to make it less cheaty, like having the gate or whatever be a rediculous weight. thanks for reading.
  7. One question will this locate kethane pockets from Mechanical Mouse Industries kethane mod?
  8. I now see what you can truly do with KSP PS awesome PPS loved the music
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