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Everything posted by loupduqc

  1. was late at night and I was too lazy to make good screen shot so there a video: also an HD pic of the flight report just under to download
  2. did you took a look at the model? try to find that can go that high and stay that small and simple
  3. Récament je suis retourner sur KSP car KurtJMac m\'a quelque peu donner le gout de tester les nouvelles pieces en plus je voulais vraiment réeusir a au moins avoir 1 navette en orbite de kerben... avans mes fuser crachais tout mais la... sa un peu foirer pis je me suis retrouver avec navette en orbite solaire... nouvel objectif... atterir sur le soleil...
  4. I just try it whit a model I made sooner in the night and it gave that: try 1 42,100 m high at 1° try 2 14,856m high 24,393m over land for a total distance of 41,828m at 50°
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