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Everything posted by KinkyFerrets

  1. I enjoy the roleplay from time to time. I have, in essence, a KC-130 type aircraft that I use to move Kethane from landed tanks on kerbin back to base to reduce the "cost" of launches.
  2. Believe the most accepted "class" of Battlecruiser is Heavy Cruiser tonnage, with battleship weaponry.
  3. Dadooeese Etahoc. (Ciudad Cohete, the Rocket City, adjusted to make it look like something other than backwards spanish, and for ease in pronunciation.) Edit: Or hell, just Etahoc.
  4. To be honest, in my opinion, it looks a bit more like nemesis NXT.
  5. You guys have some fantastic exo-atmospheric craft, and I wish I could stack up, but my strength is in in atmosphere. I wanted to build a medium capacity/long range bomber, and I've always been a fan of the B-25's type of high mounted gullwing. Heavily B9 Aerospace. (In fact, all B9, besides the PWing.) MB-100B
  6. I've always loved the high gull-wing type of wing design (B-25, for example) so I wanted to build my own version for KSP, the MC-100 series! The factory decided to crank out a few for the military, but she mostly serves in my program in her Kethane Tanker and Personnel Carrier iterations. http://imgur.com/a/cGAPq#oyEBgWa ^^album
  7. Man, I took a visit to the WarThunder forums. Was I in for culture shock.
  8. Managed to dock absolutely beautifully. Has to be a bug of some sort.
  9. Love it. And now my stations are all wonderfully stable. I havent had any issues with ASAS.
  10. Check the join date son. Saw that.
  11. You're fairly new here, so I'll forgive the naivete. When .18 came out, it took me 4 hours to finally download the game
  12. I remember when they first implemented docking. That was shown by pre-releasing to youtubers. My very first view of supported docking was on Scott Manley's youtube channel. And that was more than a few weeks ago. With stuff like the KSP weekly updates, I dont see how you can claim "secretive" information distribution. You want secretive, go play Warthunder.
  13. Jool orbit return mission. Ran out of fuel just before reaching a Kerbin encounter. So, out goes Jeb to push! I disconnected the now spent fuel tank and engine, from the capsule/parachute combo and started pushing with the RCS pack. I ended up using 83% of the fuel in his pack before getting an intercept. Then, before I actually entered the SOI, I had jeb push the capsule again to get an aerobreaking.
  14. Robbaz 10characters EDIT: Strongly NSFW language contained. Proceed with caution.
  15. I realize we all need a place to vent sarcasm, but is this really the place? Keep up the good work Zanzibar.
  16. CoG. Hold over from flight school. For all intent and purpose, the two are interchangeable.
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