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Everything posted by KinkyFerrets

  1. That looks bitchin, thank you very much sir.
  2. I dont know why, part of it I'm sure is the that one "detonation" is in reference to a multi kiloton nuclear explosion, part of it is probably the way you ended the statement, but I just laughed my ass off for about 2 minutes. Edit: I want to say the first thing I did with this mod was a build a megalithic colony ship bound for laythe, but TBH, I just direct ascented the mun. So yeah. Edit to the Edit: Like, in a straight line at the mun ascent.
  3. The Devs have stated that they won't implement MP due to issue with time acceleration and similar issues. AFAIK, there are no true MP plugins.
  4. Those arent manually controlled spacecraft, those are computer controlled spacecraft that were over ridden to manual control in dire circumstances. In other news, Progress M-34 strikes and punctures the Spektr Module aboard Mir due to tests that removed docking from autopilot control and give manual control.
  5. Learning InkScape. So far, I like it alot.
  6. Slotter. I'm a big fan of the P40, but I'm trying to make my favorite the P51. (with its current FM state, it is a hard beast to love.)
  7. The average time appears to be an hour. I took about 3 hours total to do mine, as I'd pause and eat, or go watch some TV then come back.
  8. Perhaps something based on Grummans logo, Except with "Rehmke" instead of Grumman? Everything, the colors, font, placement, is in your hands and capable judgement.
  9. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forumdisplay.php/12-Support
  10. ...I dont know why you quoted me when you said this. I said there is a difference between entitled whining, and voicing a valid concern, even though both have the same final point. What you said is SQUAD lures people in with functional demo's into buying a buggy full alpha release. I fail to see the link here. Unless you are attempting an example at the latter of the two choices, in which case, yes I can see why this might lead to complaints, but there is no shortage of reviews, info, youtube videos, and a bug report section of the official forum to read and review before buying.
  11. A well reasoned a rational post, about paying money, and expecting something to work after a dev based change broke it, I understand. Those types of posts are backed by bug reports, times in between discussions with the proper parties for resolution, and calmly add in the "This is making me question my decision to spend money on this game." They dont cry it out in battelust against whatever cruel entities are robbing them of their gaming experience.
  12. As all too often happens, those defending something they passionately believe will take personal offense. You see it on the Academic debate circuit sometimes. People who can normally make a well reasoned argument, and are very well mannered, become vicious, rude, offensive, and unprofessional because they got stuck on the side of a topic they happen to agree with, and are now defending their own carefully constructed rational as opposed to defending a concept or point.
  13. Its not bug reports that come from user B, usually you see threads like "I Paid for This and Fix it Now" or "I'll never spend another dime on this game and I'll convince my friends not too because of (fill in bug/missing feature)" from user B.
  14. Well yeah, bring up either of those, and there'll be arguments, but for the most part thats the only type of negativity I see on here. 2 examples of threads that are naturally going to be argumentative because the goals of either are in direct conflict with the other. That's understandable.
  15. So many times, its the mistakes like that that screw me over.
  16. Am I the only one that's confused as to where all this negativity came from? Like the "Lets Not" thread, what on earth set that off in the OP's mind? Everything I've seen so far on the forums has been consistently positive. I haven't seen the community arguing with devs about any major or even minor features, just some complaints about bugs that go further than the posting of a bug report. And I haven't seen people bashing on noobies. I just dont get it.
  17. Had a lander on the Mun with not enough fuel to rendevouz with the CSM orbiting overhead, so I used what fuel I had left to burn halfway into a stable orbit. Then I eva'd my kerbal out, and RCS pack'd my way into orbit and to an encounter with the CSM. All kerbals home safely.
  18. That I cannot. Otherwise, she spits sparks on the runway. As far as the design, I wanted to keep all the fuel in line with the unloaded CoM for easier endurance flying.
  19. Same way you would replace any part. Drag and drop it into the parts list, and pick a new one.
  20. Woopwoop. I am not a creative man, but give me a challenge, and I'll build a mediocre attempt at it that halfway succeeds Edit: I too, have 4 vertical control surfaces. You can see the top 2, but the other two are under the wings, about a meter further forward. I find that have the rudders above and below reduces the roll tendency during yaw manuevers.
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