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Everything posted by KinkyFerrets

  1. That should be the transparency.
  2. That might be outta my league. o.O
  3. Ugh. Not my best work, that said, I am far from a pro at this.
  4. I meant feel free to request any changes, I volunteered to do the work
  5. Just finished mine: Just incase.
  6. A pale light green perhaps? This is simple, so go ahead and make any changes you want. I was thinking maybe a paler blue as well.
  7. AFAIK, the wave's would just look wierd, since there's a wave animation for the flags but they can be there. Also, I believe yes, American Flag background should be no problem.
  8. 177. Close enough doesn't mean several yards away from intended landing point. (Unless your'e talking about lander legs in relation to the lander.)
  9. Spot on. But yeah, GPU=Poor Man's super computer
  10. Same to you as to Dead-o down there.
  11. Thobe can obviously do a better job, but that oughta hold you over till he can finish one proper.
  12. Back when electricity, probe bodies, and docking were all mod based, there was a plugin for Dynasat that kept your "top" pointed towards whatever body you were orbiting. But that was long ago, far away. Better days then. The only solar panels to be found were dynasat, and CardboardboxProcessor's KOCMOC mods, Mechanical Mouse's Kethane was all the rage, it used electricity, and his satellite pack had the first Ion engines. Good days. Good days.
  13. AFAIK, docked vessels, while docked, are displayed as the station, but when undock, revert to whatever status they had.
  14. Copyrighted images, I dunno... Also, cool as hell, thank ya very much sir
  15. I'm a fan of this. Or hell, even an end wrench and C-clamp.
  16. U.K.K United Kerbal Kommunes No need for the Hammer and Sickle, but if you feel like it, a different symbol in the middle would be cool. And I would think replacing the Red color scheme with a green one would be cool.
  17. I've put a X200-32 with ASAS, large RCS tank, large probe body, and docked it to a crew tank, ASAS, Large RCS tank, large probe body, X200-8, and Skipper, with no wobble at all. TBH, this probably replaced the CBM mod for me.
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