I'm one bug away from getting my docking solution fixed for 0.17, anybody know how to fix this? I've been able to get vessels to appear to be teleported from outside the loading range but its orbit remains where it was. I've tried dozens of ideas to update the orbit, mostly in vessel.orbit and vessel.orbitDriver, but it always gets snapped back.
I've released my docking mod here, most of the mentioned issues have been fixed, I'm off to bed now. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/20503-0-16-Erkle-Mods-Warp-Capable-Docking-Clamp
Thanks heaps for the feedback. I'll be ironing out a couple issues and adding a few features today, then I'll post it in the addon release section. This isn't the docking mod from the OP, I just got impatient and made one myself last night.
It repeatedly moves both ships into position when in warp mode but it uses a fixed physical joint in real time mode. I'll be looking into pack/unpack and save/load in the morning, New Zealand time, that should allow switching away from the area.
It looks like a decoupler and is in the same category but is called Warp Clamp, I'll be making a model at some point, I've only spent a few hours on it so far.
Still not released? Feel free to use my one in the mean time, it's nowhere near as good, but it does handle warp. http://www.boxtin.co.nz/downloads/ErkleWarpClamp.zip