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Everything posted by Nemesis30

  1. Using the Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v2.08 aka. Kerbin Mini Shuttle.. Hi All, I’m probably just a little bit show or de3nse or just plain lazy. Given that I have not been able to figure out how to use the MecJeb2RPM that comes with the Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v2.08 aka. Kerbin Mini Shuttle.. Can anyone help me out or point me to some instructions?
  2. Big thumbs up here for your parts. I'm using your mod for my stations now, both for its looks and what seems to me to be a much smaller ram footprint than FusTek parts. The unlit porthole version giving us the choice of where to light it up is great. Add a bit of functionality to the various sections would make it perfect. Thanks again
  3. Guess I'm and old Fart too. Watched it live glued to the set. Watched the Command Module swing around the moon on a telescope too.
  4. Since the big forum melt down I've been unable to access the forums through normal channels. When I select the forum button on the main KSP page it still takes me to the "FORUMS/SPACEPORT Server is now under maintenance" page. I can only get to the forums by searching them through Google. I've cleared my cache and done the other usual things that tend to clear up such problems, but nothing has worked. Does anyone have an idea as to what the problem is? Thanks
  5. Amazing what can be discovered when you accept there might actually be a problem. Engines fly true now. I'm looking forward to future updates to this mod......
  6. Oh NO! No Kerbalnaughts and No assent stage for the MEM....
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