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Everything posted by Kersplattle

  1. I use a 27' iMac with a 3.06 GHz Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM & it has the ATI Radeon HD 4670 with 256 MB RAM, running 10.7.4. I get serious, serious lag with largish rockets. these aren\'t super large but designed for Kerbal-Minimus-Mun-Kerbal missions, so it does lift a bit fuel into orbit. The lag is so bad it certainly interferes with control, and I lose the altitude indicator. Once I discard the early stages I try to use ESC and go to the space centre to pick the flight up again, that restores the altitude, cause it\'s damn hard to land without it ! Started with 0.15, now on 0.16 and the same problems. Of course the rockets are larger in 0.16 but with fewer engines at one time, don\'t need 12 solid fuel units to help get of the ground anymore ! I\'ve played with the various settings without much change, using a window or full screen also not a big change, activity monitor says that the CPU is nailed at 99-100%; any further suggestions welcomed.
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