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Everything posted by grievous056

  1. Hey, I've been having a problem with FAR causing the center of lift icon to no longer work in the SPH. When FAR is installed, the center of lift icon just stays stuck to the floor instead of going onto the plane like it's supposed to.
  2. Ok, so Ike and Duna are tidally locked. That means that theoretically, I should be able to put a station in a place where it appears to be stationary from both Ike and Duna. It even says this is possible on the Kerbal Wiki. I was wondering how to go about doing this. Every time I try, it works for a bit, but eventually gets capture by ike and thrown out of position.
  3. Every time I try to launch it, it just starts falling apart on the launchpad before I even start liftoff. It doen't even hold together long enough to use the jump drive to get to a spacedock.
  4. Is there a recommended flight path for this? I've tried to put it in orbit several times and the ring breaks apart around halfway up every time.
  5. I would like to set up a space station that will be at about half way between kerbin and the mun, and that while orbiting kerbin will always remain lined up with the mun. Does anybody know if this is possible and if so, how?
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