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Posts posted by chickenplucker

  1. Well I've cleaned up the front page a bit since it was getting cluttered and have released the current working files I'm still playing with. The command pod has a big ol cube on it in the VAB that is the outline for the airlock. I left it visible for tweaking purposes and I think its about 90 degrees off as the poor Kerbals land on their back when spawned from the hatch. Ladders are a pain right now since the sides are so steep, the next collision model for the Bigtrak may have a tweaked beveled lip around the top so that ladders can crest the top of the cargo bay.


    That would be neat but I'm not sure I'm up to that just yet. The new .16 version shook this mod up pretty good so everything needs refresh before I can start making new things. But maybe in time, who knows.


    I think it should be two parts as well, helps with the collision mesh on the front hull, I need to get some ladders permenantly added on this thing now :P.


    As easy as it would be to redo the craft files I dont think I will get to it until I've had a chance to rework the most of the Cuttlefish files. It needs more details/ladders/crew areas before it gets added back into the new pack. This should be done before .17 to help with visiting Nova's neat new planets.

    I'm going to bed now and will play more with this tommarow. Spent the day swapping a motor on a lifted GMC and pretty much every part of me is tired, hurting, or covered in dirt and grease. Gnight!

  2. What has 6 wheels and an escape hatch?

    This thing!


    Couldn't get the airlock or .mu format to work with the cart plugin so its setup as two seprate parts right now; a command pod and the Bigtrak. Having two parts actually works out pretty good since the game doesn't like concave collision meshes. This way the command pod collision is the shape of the front upper hull so your kerbals can walk around on top of it and actually follow the models shape instead of walking through it. The Bigtrak also got new (recycled) tires and some thermal plates in the wheelwells. :)

  3. If you your currently a student or faculty member 3ds Max is actually free if you qualify.

    A faculty member is an employee at a primary or secondary educational institution or any degree-granting or certificate-granting educational institution or any learning, teaching or training facilities and who upon request by Autodesk is able to provide proof of such status.

    A student is an individual enrolled at a recognized degree-granting or certificate-granting educational institution for three (3) or more credit hours in a degree-granting or certificate granting education program or in a nine (9) month or longer certificate program, and upon request by Autodesk is able to provide proof of such enrollment.


    This is getting a little off topic though, best to redirect the conversation back to the lights.

  4. Possibly, for now though it runs on a whisper quiet brushless electric motor :P.

    Well, I started working on getting things setup in .16 correctly but this may have to wait until the new tools are released. I\'ve disected the .mu files of the new command pods in the game to understand how the airlocks and hand holds are setup but so far no luck merging/bashing the two together. This is a lot of work for something that should be fairly easy to do soon, so this may have to wait.

  5. Awesome rkman, nice work!

    The brake lights can be rather touchy to get working the green axis arrow needs to be pointed to the rear of the cart or else they won\'t function. Blender seems rather picky about rotating meshes at times so it can be a pain to get it pointed the right direction. I think I spent 2 hours monkeying around with it one night before it started working.

  6. There will be a quad and trike version of the Kiwi bike that are both currently half finished, and I would like to start going back to work on more Bigtrak focused stuff. But who knows what will end up in it. I was thinking about making a very fast landing leg based planked hinge thingy that you could attach to the top of the Bigtrak to toss your poor EVA Kerbals about with :)

  7. Thanks 6677 :) I\'ll see about sneaking that in for the next update, I cant wait for this crazy week to end so I can set down and play with that.

    For anyone who is interested in seeing how these parts work and are setup in blender here ya go:


    Included are:

    The Bigtrak

    Roveringame_1_75.blend - the blender file (the 1_75 is just a note to my self on part scaling)

    Good example of how multiple wheeled vehicles model hierarchy is setup and for how lights are handled.

    kspbigtrack.psd - the Photoshop text file containing all the layers that make up the 512x512 texture. If you have Photoshop use it to change the background layer to modify your Bigtraks color. Delete the layer with the logos, modify stuff, go crazy :)

    kspbigtrak.ai - the Adobe Illustrator file that contains all the vector art that makes up the bits of the psd.

    The Push Blade

    blade.blend - is the blender file. Good example of how the hierarchy is setup for using the landing leg module, and the types of rotation that make a part move from point to point.

    The Kiwi Bike

    kerb.blend - Blender file for Evel, never know when you may need a Kerbal model for a project

    Bikeingame_1_75.blend - Blender file for the bike, good for seeing how suspension levers are setup inside the Cart Plugin.

    evilkerbinal.ai and evilkernerbal.psd are the Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop files for Evel\'s textures.

    Have fun with those, feel free to release anything that\'s based from the models. Just include my name somewhere is all that I ask :)

  8. Wow, that\'s pretty cool 6677! I was starting to fret on how the next update was going to pretty much break the ability to hide the command pod in the Bigtrak and with Kerbals now running about and what the best fix for that would be. Kind of hard to escape your pod if its locked in a collision box :P. But that takes care of the problem all together, very awesome. Like Hyratel said, I would love to have a copy of that as well :).

    Just so everyone knows I have not bailed on the mod, just taking a break of sorts while I catch up on projects around the garage. Once I get my xr75 painted and my old Buick back together I\'ll jump right back in. Its hard to stay inside on a computer in the middle of summer ;) I will try to get the blender files up so you can start playing with them soon though.

  9. Yeah, I need to fix that. I\'m not sure what screwed up the orientation on those things.

    Dani-Sang, or anybody else for that matter, would it be helpful if I put a zip with the Bigtrak blender file on the front page? Or even the Kiwi Cycle. That way you could use it to see how Cart stuff is setup or tinker with it. The attachment files are a mess so I may not include those, that is if anyone is interested.

    I\'ve been meaning to work on more goodies and finish the quad/trike versions of the Kiwi, but its summer and close to an awesome game changing KSP patch which has made my motivation wander to projects I have out in the barn :)

  10. I remember this getting asked about a while back and the answer being what Zombieweasel has stated. There\'s something about a command module that allows you to exert more force on the objects its attached to. If its missing the crafts stability goes out the window. I\'ve ran into this a bunch of times with Cuttlefishes flailing all over after a Bigtrak drives off with the command pod. Most of the time you can still somewhat control it by firing the engine at the right times as it spins wildly out of control, best of luck touching down again though. I\'m not sure if SAS or RCS will give you enough torque to get a craft back under control, but there\'s only one way to find out :) (make sure to mount the RCS tanks at the center of gravity and not radially or else you will get some more funky issues :P).

    LFT and LFE = Liquid Fuel Tank and Liquid Fuel Engine.

  11. Well, here\'s Orvin, Dunsy, and Kirsted\'s attempt.


    The view was pretty nice as the ship set off to Minmus.


    It was a little tricky finding a nice landing spot that would offer the best options of cliffs and flats. Ended up landing at the X. The final jump location used was the valley north of the landing zone marked with the super awesome squigly arrows.


    For a speed jump you need flats right? Well that didn\'t end up working so well as the shore angle around the flats was just a tad to step. The Bigtrak hit that sucker at around 560m/s and pretty much vaporized into the hill. It was not a pretty sight. The crew tried to find a shallower shore line to run up but gave up on using the flats for the jump. A bit north of the landing site there was a nice deep valley that looked promising.


    It was a little bit tense as the Bigtrak perched on the valleys rim as the crew studied the valley floor for rough spots.


    Dunsy dropped the hammer and shot down one side and out the other. Catching a small ridge on the oppisite side hucked the Bigtrak off the top of the hill before it got to the peak.


    Up and away!


    Leaving Minmus.



    And now the long wait for a rescue craft.

    I\'ve attached the tweak .cfg I used in case anyone wants to play around with it :)

  12. Wow, your not kidding, hit orbit with a tank and a half left!



    Thanks, I\'m glad you like it :) I do intend to make a smaller Cuttlefish in the future but I\'m holding off right now to see how eva\'s wind up working. I also want to redo the big Cuttlefish and make it a little less 'meh' looking. It wouldnt take much to make it much better looking. Also left to do are the mini decoupler, PJ counter weight, quad and trike version of the kiwi, possible side fairings for the BT at some point, etc, etc :P. I would at somepoint like to get back to more Bigtrak specific things as I\'ve kind of wandered off course.

  13. Thanks for posting that camera code colmo, that view is fun to use while bombing around the Mun.

    That crane truck is a work of art camaroiowaguy, thanks for sharing that :P

    Small update on Evel Kernebal:


    I resized everything a bit to better match the EVA Kerbals that have been poping up in the Dev threads. Going to start on a quad version of the kiwi soon and hopefully will have more to share on it soon, oh, and the counterweight that will allow the Puddle Jumper to fly straight, although thats not a priority atm.

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