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Posts posted by Ezriilc

  1. 10 minutes ago, swjr-swis said:

    How about that world peace...

    Sure thing!  I think that whenever humans develop a significant improvement in power (read "electricity") generation and storage, likely some form of fusion, that most of our other problems will evaporate over time.  With enough power, we can easily generate/develop clean water, food, shelter and any manner of other valuable resources at will.

    So, just perfect fusion and there ya go - easy peasy!  :D

    Further reading on fusion:

  2. 45 minutes ago, pumpkinwaffles said:

    I have HyperEdit installed on KSP 1.2 and 1.3, and it doesn't work on either, there is no H button and alt - H does nothing. It does work on KSP 0.90 but not on any newer version. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? It is installed the same way on each version, so it isn't installed incorrectly.

    EDIT:  Welcome to the forum!  Feel free to ask me for help with literally anything.

    It won't work on KSP 1.3 because that doesn't exist. :P  I'm assuming you mean KSP 1.1.3.

    But it does work with KSP 1.2 and earlier.  Just be sure to choose the HyperEdit version that is for your version of KSP.

    Rest assured - if you are following the instructions to the letter, then it should work.  Thousands of KSP users are happily cheating with HyperEdit every day! :wink:

    Things to try:

    • Try it without any other mods installed.
    • Re-download both KSP and HyperEdit.
    • Double-check your install and make sure you have the "Kerbaltek" folder in the right place (inside "GameData").
    • Check your log file for any references to HyperEdit, and post a link here to your pasted log file contents on a site like PasteBin.
    • Don't worry - we'll get you going.
  3. 2 minutes ago, PGTART said:

    Well perhaps they should but dont, when i downloaded the version for the current KSP version (i use ksp 64 bit), it worked,  i now have a H
    Maybe adjust the download page and tell people to download preferably the version that was created for a specific version of KSP.
    I cant tell why the 1.2 doesnt work (no H) since no errors are logged, ea no bleu screen or game crash its just not there.

    I'm not sure what you mean, or where there is any confusion.  The KSP version numbers in our files properly reflect the version of KSP they were built to, and they all have been confirmed to work as such.

  4. 2 minutes ago, DerekL1963 said:

    Um... yes.  Because a proper AV program will tell you a) what the file is, and b) what it thinks it's infected with.  Then you do the research or run a second AV scanner yourself and make a judgement call - especially since Norton is prone to deciding a file is bad and deleting it not because it found anything wrong with the file, but because it's a file that not many people use and Norton defaults to mistrusting files not in it's database and not in widespread use.  I have to deal with this every time I upgrade KSP - preventing Norton from deleting perfectly good files.

    I would say that the problem lies with using Norton.  Beyond that, what you say is correct - it's just that many folks are not that savvy.

  5. 10 minutes ago, matthomas7 said:

    For those struggling to get it to work for KSP 1.2, check with your AV program if you have one. My system runs Norton and it flags the .dll and removed it. I had to go in and "reinstate" it.


    That doesn't sound right at all.  As far as I know, there is no reason why HyperEdit.dll should be detected as any sort of malware.

    I do not recommend that you "reinstate" it or otherwise tell your Anti-Virus software to leave it be - I'd let your AV do its job and kill it.  I do recommend you do a full system scan and then re-download and install HyperEdit.

    10 minutes ago, matthomas7 said:

    if you have one

    Are you insane?  If there is anyone out there that isn't running Anti-Virus software, they should set fire to their PC and move into the woods.

    4 minutes ago, DerekL1963 said:

    This is why you don't let AV programs automatically delete files.

    Um... no.  The only time one should prevent such action, is if one is certain that it's a false positive.  This is not such a case.

    There are malware out there that can infect any .dll or .exe file, and if the system had such a beasty, then every such file would need to be cleaned - (EDIT) or deleted.

  6. 1 hour ago, Captain_Chipz said:

    I have tried reinstalling the mod multiple times and I have triple checked to see if I installed the mod properly. The game runs fine and it seems that the mod did not activate though. I cannot get the window to open with Alt + H and I do not see a H in the top right of the flight screen. Yes I am on the pre-release and I have verified the integrity of my game cache.

    Snapshot of my game data folder: https://gyazo.com/b17da04b3b7a62553cd259ba60cabc2e

    First, try it without any other mods (including Mod Manager).

    If that's no help, re-download the most recent HyperEdit.

    Beyond that, I'd try re-downloading and reinstalling KSP as well as HyperEdit, and then posting a link to your log file.

  7. 4 hours ago, Apurva Kawthalkar said:


    Please make keys for changing the graph resolution quickly so that every time we do not have to go to the options menu,

    also it would be great if you would include the ability to display data from other 'data display' mods like Nano gauges.

    It would be awesome if you can include those updates for 1.1.2 analog with the newer versions

    I know that is a lot to ask but see what you can do

    I do appreciate the input, but I'm not sure if/when I might get around to doing these things.

  8. 4 hours ago, Ayylmeon said:

    Could you make a video on how to install it with 7-zip please?

    A video seems like overkill for such a simple thing.  And sorry, I don't do videos.  :sealed:

    24 minutes ago, Laguna said:

    For Windows:

    Double-click on the Hyperedit .zip file, that will open up the 7-zip window.

    Double-click on the Gamedata folder, that will reveal the Kerbaltek folder.

    Copy the Kerbaltek folder to (Your KSP folder name)/Gamedata, you can either just drag it over or use the copy-paste functions.

    That's it. :)

    Windows users don't even need 7-zip or any other tool.  Just double click the .zip file to open it like a folder, then copy GameData to your game's root folder (the one w/ KSP.exe).

  9. 20 minutes ago, rednovatuga said:

    Hi im having the same issues as NubNibble where the H doesnt show up, and the alt+h isnt working aswell. Ive tried (correctly) reinstalling the mod several times, aswell as verifying the game cache, and it still isnt working.

    Welcome to the forum.

    The most likely cause is that you're using the wrong version.  The latest version of HyperEdit is made to work with the pre-release KSP 1.2.

  10. 12 hours ago, Dreimal00 said:

    soo IDK if this is a bug or not but after setting to specific orbit my ship is fine in till something that's not attached touches it, then the camera starts shaking and the ship's orbit completely disappears. help?

    I need more information.  What planet?  What altitude?  What steps did you take in what order?  The more details the better.

    You can try switching to the Space Center scene right after teleporting, and then back to the ship.

    If you still need help, try reinstalling KSP and HyperEdit with no other mods.

  11. 3 hours ago, DDE said:

    Guys, can someone give me the breakdown of how to translate the standard map output (longitude-latitude, orbital parameters) into what Hyperedit and the save files use?

    I'm not sure about orbital parameters but lat/lon are the same as you might expect.  Zero/Zero is the equator at some arbitrary point (Greenwich here on Earth), and +/-90 are the poles.  If you enter a value over 180 for lon, KSP just converts to the proper coordinate (0-180 E/W).

    EDIT:  Oh, and the coordinates are represented in decimals of degrees rather than minutes/seconds.

  12. 39 minutes ago, Potato3478 said:

    Could you add some more locations in the ship lander like all the easter eggs? (besides magic boulder cuz it spawns rarely as regular asteroid)

    I've thought about doing just that, and decided against it.  The reason being that one only need google it and enter the coordinates manually.  That, and yours is the only request for it/them.  :sealed:

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