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Everything posted by Yorik

  1. i\'m trying to make a part spawn another part, and i know i need to use instantiate, but i can\'t find out what syntax to use
  2. Is it possible to change the location/orientation of an attachment node with coding?
  3. You can use the landing leg part to simulate rotation on the press of a key if you put the hinge in the center. But it will stop moving once it rotated by the degrees specified in the config file, pressing the key again will rotate it back to it\'s original position. That\'s as far as you\'ll go without coding something yourself. The whole movement code is still a big mystery to me, can\'t make heads or tails out of it yet.
  4. After some trial an error, I found out that this was the problem. but thanks for the help ^^
  5. I made an engine that\'s attached to the bottom of a side mounted object. The engine hangs(nothing pushes from below as the rocket is held up in the middle stem). The problem is that the engine & tank push inside the holding part when i activate the engines and they hang down(forming a gap) when on the launchpad. all parts don\'t allow collision. i have no idea what could be wrong. Any help?
  6. I guess ALL releases go in the Projects and Releases forum, whether they are plugins or parts. But I could be wrong.
  7. What pisses me off: If people would stop pirating prices for movies, games and so forth would start increasing. Why? No more competition. And I\'m pretty sure they would try to fight those people that upload their stuff for free. In Germany they are already doing it. I\'m working with several major German bands and a lot of them material for free to Youtube, on their official channel. About 30-40% of the time youtube gets forced to block this content by the state(GEMA), without anyone asking the respective band first. Trust me on this one, I know the numbers: Pirating is good for everyone. The producers, the creative people, the public, the executives. But most of the revenue generated by this is 'invisible revenue', which is usually contributed to 'our marketing campaign back from a year ago' or similar nonsense. You think the music industry allows their content on the radio because they get some money from the radio stations? That\'s small fries. It\'s all about making the product popular enough so people are willing to invest in the secondary offshoots(like concert tickets, physical copies of the product for collection, merchandise). But what pirating has one big 'drawback': Only good content benefits from pirating. Bad content does not. And that\'s what they are really afraid of, the need to create good content and not profiting from the bad stuff. I\'m sorry if I\'m explaining this badly, my English sucks today...
  8. I\'m thinking about making a Babylon5-Starfury for KSP, and was wondering whether I\'d need to make the body in 5 separate pieces or whether 1 big piece would suffice. That would require the collision-mesh to be concave.
  9. This looks awesome, downloading and testing it now. The look of the parts reminds me of the look in team fortress 2, very nice. What program did you use, blender?
  10. would you mind putting in a link to your .craft file? awesome parts ^^
  11. wow, that sucks. and still playing with rockets i see? now i\'m reconsidering building the bottle rocket i planned...
  12. i just wanted to say that this is my favorite pack ^^ any chance of you doing fairings and adapters in the different sizes?
  13. woohoo! turning down the volume, yeah! awesome game, it's pre-ordered with a little tip for your troubles... The 5-year old inside me loves it also...
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