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Everything posted by Kryten

  1. That's a reasonably accurate picture of a black hole with an accretion disc. The difference is one of scale, not accuracy.
  2. It's a bit more complex than that; the animal described as 'brontosaurus' is accepted as a real, separate species (A. excelsus), but isn't thought to be distinct enough from the type Apatosaurus species (A. ajax) to warrant a different genus. If A. excelsus ever gets split out into a separate genus again, that genus will be called 'Brontosaurus'-and there's a very good chance this will happen within the next few years due to new discoveries within the group.
  3. If you include tonal variants as being the same word, there are a ridiculous number of these in Chinese. A good example would be 'the Lion-Eating Poet in the Stone Den', a complete poem made out of tonal variants of 'shi'.
  4. There are more costs involved than the parts of the rocket itself, don't forget. Launch costs have to cover maintenance on launch facilities, maintenance on payload preparation facilities (massive areas under clean-room conditions-not cheap) transport of any rocket parts (oversized cargo-not cheap), insurance, and the payload fairing. Some of these smaller costs are publicly available, and they're higher than you might expect-for Proton, transport is over $1 million, the payload fairing is over $3 million, and insurance is nearly $20 mill.
  5. As in the mobile version of 2012 XCOM (that I'd already bought for use on a tablet). I'm surprised in even let me try to download it, but it couldn't finish because it was physically larger than the free space on the internal storage. Given how easy it is to transfer stuff to SD, you shouldn't hit the same problem unless you try something equally stupid/crazy.
  6. Compactness and mobility. Getting the amount of time necessary for this out of a suit of that size, and especially one usable on the ground, is extremely impressive.
  7. As long as you stick with the lower-end you'll be fine; the only issue I've had is when I tried to install XCOM to test it, which'd have been impractical impossible to play anyway due to screen-size issues. Given the cost here is only about ~$CAD160, you should be able to import a sim-free one for well below the price you're looking at.
  8. There's no substantial difference between survival suits for that kind of altitude and for space. These guys (Paragon) have considerable work on orbital systems already, and among other things are subcontracted by spacex for the ECLSS on dragon.
  9. Life tip; the best way to get people not to point out you've said something stupid is to not say something stupid, not pretend to be a mod.
  10. What kind of use do you expect out of it? Do you expect to be doing 3D gaming? If not I'd recommend Moto-E.
  11. He just pumped a lot of money into cutting-edge ECLSS research; you're complaining about it. One of these things is useful.
  12. That your statement applies to almost everything most people do, including everything on this forum, and is therefore both pointless and worthless.
  13. It's great that you're well-fed and safe enough to argue on the internet...
  14. He said, on the forum built for relatively rich people to talk about a video game about little green men.
  15. Russia has a lot of capability, but it's relict. Development is slow in some areas and absent in others, with the only tangible progress taking place in engines and, to a lesser extent, while launch vehicles. China is rapidly advancing in a lot of fields (engines, LVs, communications, earth observations), but are still behind the Russian state-of-the-art in most areas. I'd say Russia now, but China likely in the near future.
  16. Quite a few weather sats are in polar orbits as well, although most of those are technically military.
  17. A 'nuclear battery' (RTG)is just a lump of radioactive material, the heat from the decay of which is used to generate electricity. There's no way you could 'overdrive' it or anything like that; the worse that could happen is material escaping.
  18. Any word about 4M? What happens to it after the flyby depends on how accurate the injection was.
  19. I was going to say this usually isn't how it works, but I checked steamcharts and there's currently over 3,000 people playing.
  20. You always get photos, and usually video; its just the only way they have of doing live coverage is taking over CCTV, so they prefer not to.
  21. It's a series of GSO comsats; that year would make it Astra 1H.
  22. They're pretty commonly available sim-free, at east over here.
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