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Everything posted by Kryten

  1. VG aren't exactly the only people trying to do this, and they've by a good margin got the worst record. They've already had three deaths in a NOX tank explosion.
  2. Of course suborbital transoceanic flights are probably prospectless anyway, outside of people rich enough to afford an ICBM flight for one journey.
  3. May not be a third person, seems confirmation of 'three on board' was for one of the choppers at the scene.
  4. The police are saying at least one dead, and they're the people at the scene. The scanner link is a few posts down in my link earlier, listen for yourself.
  5. People reposing county police scanner reports here; too many old members posting the same stuff for there to be any doubt, I'm afraid. We now have confirmation of a third person; @spacecom (Doug Messier, extremely reliable) saw somebody still strapped in their seat, so that must have been the second parachutist. Unclear if they're the person already reported as dead, or if they're still to be found.
  6. One person has serious neck injuries, one is dead. There may or may not have been a third person; if there was, they haven't found them yet. SS2 itself is a debris field.
  7. Jettison is a separate, much smaller motor.
  8. Yep. If the rocket explodes the mission is lost anyway; at least this way there's no way to lose it to spurious LAM firings.
  9. The FO in the FOD could be Ukrainian just as well as Soviet or American. Yuzhmash's own quality control hasn't been all that lately.
  10. It is what happened. If welding on side hydraulics is a 'change', then so's welding that to the rest of the rocket. Care to give any scenario through which some hydraulics could cause the failure we saw? This will be a turbopump failure, probably due to FOD, you can bet on that, and orbital and NASA will have come to the same conclusion; they just won't say anything until the full report is done.
  11. They didn't do a thing to the combustion chamber, nozzle or turbopump, exactly as I'd already said. If you want to pretend welding on a few hydraulic actuators could have anything to do with what happened, go ahead.
  12. The gimbal block and feedlines are the parts I mentioned. NK-33 as standard has absolutely no TVC capability; N-1 used differential thrust and separate roll units, and Soyuz 2.1V has a separate vernier engine. The rest is control unit and valves, exactly as I said.
  13. Prove it isn't. Aerojet added a TVC unit, but it isn't part of the engine; it's a unit in the rocket that shifts the entire engine around, turbopump and all. It's extremely unlikely it could cause a failure like this.
  14. The Apollo seismographs were all deactivated in 1977.
  15. Sorry, google translate just got them repeatedly stating that they were 'nominal'.
  16. That's not what the tower is for-it's communications linkages, and prop input if their is any. If you look at rockets with no prop requirements, there's not much there-Minotaur just uses standard radio towers.
  17. I was being sarcastic, sorry if that wasn't obvious. Kuznetov aren't even involved in the investigation, but they can say their engines worked fine because... they just did, alright?
  18. According to the initial engine manufacturer, Kuznetsov of Samara, the engines worked just fine. That settles that then.
  19. Reusing dragon requires a market for reused dragons. Right now there isn't one.
  20. Some of the largest. Farnborough in particular is very big for the industry, though not so much for the public.
  21. So long as we're ignoring actual throw weight to orbit, why not put just put it on Minotaur? It'd be even cheaper. In the real world, even expendable falcon 9 would require recertificating the whole thing, and probably since weight savings-neither of these are cheap. SpaceX could've done NASA certification to refly dragon on supply missions, but decided to not bother and use them for dragonlab free-flyer missions instead. Nobody has ordered any dragonlab missions, so they're sat in a warehouse.
  22. Dreamchaser would require a considerably more expensive rocket, and the cargo isn't very valuable. Most of it's basic supplies and packaging material.
  23. I don't think so for the full stage, but the engines have test burns.
  24. They sent a destruct command, but the actual timing isn't clear. There's a good chance it was simply too late.
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