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Everything posted by Kryten

  1. And this would be relevant to a power-generating turbine because...
  2. Yes, it says it's on youtube. If that's the same thing as 'being uploaded by youtube itself', then this is the KSP forum posting to itself.
  3. Whut? There's a perfectly standard user profile connected to that video.
  4. The UK parliament at least voted against any kind of military action.
  5. It pulls off the orbital module, re-entry module and payload fairing as a unit; the service module remains on the LV; the re-entry module then disconnects, and the escape-tower/PF/orbital module stack is pulled away by a small solid motor.
  6. It's not just the laser, they also need to ignore energy produced by the lasers but which doesn't enter the fuel to get the 'breakeven' result.
  7. Ridiculous. If a program requires a rocket of a larger size, and it's considered to be an acceptable investment for what the program is, then the rocket gets built-otherwise we'd be stuck with Sputnik and Juno. What's actually missing for larger rocket sizes are programs of the appropriate scale and funding, but they'd proceed in the same way-just look at how Bush's Moon return proposal and Ares-V arrived joined at the hip, no chicken-and-egg issues to be heard of.
  8. And 'chinese state media' say there's still uncertainty. We've had pretty definite reports of radio activity, so something is still working, but other than that we know nothing. It may still have roving capability, it may still have working instruments, or this may just be the robotic equivalent of a death rattle. We just don't know.
  9. In all likelihood, the message itself was fake and you downloaded the virus by clicking 'ok'; it's a very common tactic.
  10. That entire site is down, looks like the slashdot effect at work.
  11. What anti-virus program do you use, if any? Did the initial pop-up actually look like it came from that program?
  12. The initial reports about this are from october, what's new is a proper peer-reviewed paper on the results. Well, as proper as you can get in Nature anyway.
  13. Diamonds aren't some kind of element, they're just a form of carbon and can be manufactured. It's extremely doubtful that diamonds could be retrieved from Venus for less energy than it would to synthesise equivelant diamonds, and there's not even any real reason to believe diamonds would be more common or easier to access on Venus anyway.
  14. The entire reason he deleted it was because he was getting attention. He's a guy that slapped together a few stock assets to make for practice, and he decided to stick it on the play store to see if he could at least let get a bit of return on the time he spent. Suddenly half of the internet starts attacking him, and he gets multiple death threats, so he decides to get rid of the whole thing as best he can. There's no 'strategy' here, just a fairly typical guy getting a fairly typical '15 minutes of fame' episode. As for the reskin, there are literally hundreds of reskins of this game. If you don't believe that, just put 'flappy' into the google play store and start counting.
  15. A large proportion of that is development cost. The 2020 rover re-using the basic curiosity design is 1.5 billion, including the development of the entirely new instrument suite.
  16. No, it needs to maximise TWR. Let's say you have two mirrored materials; the first reflects 70% of the incident light, and the second is a ' super-mirror' that reflects 99%-and weighs twice as much. Which is going to be more effective?
  17. The energy density available was still much smaller than contemporary fuel cells or even RTGs, so they generally weren't worth using on spacecraft that required relatively high power levels. NASA was launching earth-orbiting sats with RTGs as late as the 70s for this reason.
  18. Considering just how thick the ice is, and how much equipment and effort it took to get samples from Lake Vostok (which is much closer to the surface than Europa's ocean), I don't really think that's going to be practical in anything like the near term.
  19. During AS-203, an entire S-IVB stage (from a Saturn-IB, but practically identical to the same stage on a Saturn V) outright exploded, which I think most people would consider a 'flaw'.
  20. Ground-penetrating radar is very short-ranged, you aren't going to be able to get any data at all at the kind of distances you'd get with a Mars flyby.
  21. Plans to use lasers to propel light sails involve lasers deliberately built to produce huge spot sizes at the ranges the sail would be intended to used at; it's not a comparable situation to use of lasers as weapons.
  22. No mirror is perfect, and one doesn't have to absorb terribly large amounts of energy to stop working as one.
  23. And people haven't. For all of the Mawsons or Admundsens there are Andrées and Crawfords, and there are likely to have been plenty more we've no way of knowing about.
  24. If you're fixing a large proportion of that carbon, you're still going to end up with dozens-of-atmosphere pressures; just from a mostly oxygen atmosphere rather than a CO2 one. Anyone have proposals for fixing oxygen?
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