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Everything posted by Kryten

  1. DIVH and Atlas heavy are commercially available-no orders from anyone except the NRO.
  2. Yutu had a failure of the drive mechanism on the second lunar day, but otherwise is still apparently functioning. They just put out a journal of the initial scientific results, including from the GPR.
  3. If you make a target in GEO evade, you've neutralised it.
  4. http://sti.srs.gov/fulltext/ms9900313/ms9900313.html Although you'd have quite a bit of difficulty building a bomb with that kind of heat output to deal with.
  5. Pu-238 is fissile, it's just worse (higher critical mass) and harder to produce than Pu-239, so there's not much point bothering. Incidentally Am-242m, the RTG material ESA are trying to start production of, is at least as good a weapons material as Pu-239.
  6. Only practical for low orbits, the Chinese ground-mobile system has demonstrated flight to near-GEO.
  7. Posters are often knocked together by local distributors, and might end up not having anything to do with the actual movie. As a pretty infamous example, here's the polish poster for 'Weekend at Bernies'; Is this your first time seeing a science fiction film? Next you'll tell the shuttle couldn't reach an NEO and didn't carry a gatling gun...
  8. Why would they race? There's no commercial market for anything more than a few tons at a time to GTO.
  9. Unless you don't leave the enemy enough time to detect the missile; IS had first-orbit intercept capability in the 70s, we should be able to handle it now.
  10. Lasers beams do diverge with distance; e.g, the lasers used in the lunar ranging experiments illuminate an area on the moon about 7km across.
  11. ^would disagree with you. A space environment would barely be less predictable than the one that deals with just fine.
  12. ^Istrabitel sputnik, the only combat spacecraft yet made operational. The cylinders projecting out of the sides are directional shrapnel charges.
  13. The phobos monolith doesn't even look that odd though, it just freaked out people that don't know what 'monolith' means in geology. It's like claiming aliens have visited earth because of Uluru.
  14. Kryten

    The Probe!

    To be fair, he's in it; that has to pull the average way down.
  15. It's the best solution they could get with the space and mass requirements as they are, especially as the risk of such a leak is very low. Shuttle's portable units were needed because astronauts on shuttle could have been required to bail out.
  16. The system shuts off the vents to the cabin in response to pressure loss, there are separate direct connections to the suits.
  17. The orange suits were for shuttle, the Soyuz launch suits don't have independent life support.
  18. You've then switched the problem with a worse one-manually opening an closing the hatch while everyone is wearing suits and one person isn't even attached to the craft. I'm not even sure if the hatch on the Dragon is big enough to fit a suited person.
  19. The Russians don't like interrupting production and doing testing just for minor performance gains. They probably could make a better system, but this one's worked fine since 1959-that's good enough for them.
  20. Correct, it's the exact same mechanism (the CBM) as used to connect the US modules together.
  21. Out just get in the ship and leave. Given they apparently don't have a ship nearby, they're doomed regardless.
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