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Everything posted by Activity

  1. You need ullage motors or hot staging to settle the propellents in their tanks.
  2. I'd like it if the chutes don't open instantly, but over a short period (maybe 2-4s), so avoid those neck breaking g-forces, and spontaneous unplanned vessel disassembly
  3. While i do agree with the OP that the tech tree requires some tweaking, especially in the earlier stages, I believe that the fact that this game can be so hard and requires you to do research about spacetravel, is one of it's strongest features, it makes the community alot more valuable too.
  4. Whenever a new update Is coming, I fail to do anything in-game, and I just keep messing around on the forums.
  5. Once you get into interstellar space, the Science result should be 42.
  6. Got my interplanetary spacecraft/station assembled in low kerbin orbit, will move it to Lay the tomorrow
  7. Also not really Korean war, but you could build a spaceship one/two, or use that xb10 to drop a sub orbital plane, like the X-15
  8. I'd like something that uses this http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0f/Artist%27s_Conception_of_Space_Station_Freedom_-_GPN-2003-00092.jpg , But with a symmetrical solar array, an cresent of minmus below the one of the moon, and a cresent of Jool above mars/duna, i'd also prefer the background to be a little lighter.
  9. 118. We build a super heavy launch vehicle, just to find out it explodes seconds after launch. (N-1?)
  10. I always want the transfer stage to impact on the mun, so i tend to use the node system, unless it's a the transfer stage is also the command module.
  11. There's a mod for that called "The Ordan Industries Telescope"
  12. Rule 1, Don't ask for ETA's, But hey we share birthdays!
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