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Jimlad 42

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  1. Wish granted King Midas. I wish for a BILLION DOLLARS!
  2. Granted. But their neighbors increase their volume so much that it's even louder than before. I wish to not be stupid.
  3. Your laptop is now able to play any game ever, but you can't move it, and it's upside down. Edit: I wish I could remember to make wished.
  4. Granted, the only way to do that is death. I wish I existed.
  5. Granted. But now everything ever is all white and nothing else. I wish for a throne to sit on.
  6. Granted. You can sing one song. And even that you can't do well. And the one song is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longplayer I wish for a pocket universe in which I'm an omnipotent god and I could go to/from the world whenever I want, and I can control the timescale in my universe.
  7. *Starts singing it in head* "Far over, the misty mountains cold, to dungeons deep, and caverns old." Oh, right, wish. Granted. You now own the misty mountains cold. It's about... Let's see... http://what-if.xkcd.com/57/ (second to last one, the first in space) Aimed to hit your house. I wish for a chain-chomp to love me.
  8. Granted. But we sort of lost you in the Canadian vending machine warehouse. So we just blew one of them up at random. I wish to be a zombie.
  9. granted. You are now rich in Chlorine trifluoride, which... Well... http://pipeline.corante.com/archives/2008/02/26/sand_wont_save_you_this_time.php Yeah... I wish for a wish. Edit: Dang it, ninja'd. Okay, the internet is now gone. I still wish for a wish.
  10. Here you go, you now have time, relative dimensions, and they're all in space. I wish for the worst pizza ever.
  11. Did I really... (Should I just give up now?) Granted! Now you are forever in everything named: John Doe. I wish for a game.
  12. Well, seemed to worked. And I was planning on a spoiler... ): Anywho... ... Yeah... I guess guy below me I shall answer? Anyway the apple falls on your head making you think you're Albert Einstein, and everyone you know wants to send you to an insane asylum.
  13. Wish might be granted, but you die to early to tell. I wish for skyrim to work well with 220+ mods installed.
  14. They got paid more, but all their workers are lazy and do nothing, so they do nothing with the money. I wish for world passive aggressiveness.
  15. Your wish has been granted, but it failed and now you get 3 more wishes. I wish for no more wishes that come true/get corrupted.
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