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Everything posted by Binky

  1. All the plugin developers post their source code, or a link to it, so I'd suggest having a look at whichever one most approximates what you want to do. But of course get their permission and credit them if you end up making a plugin that uses some of their code
  2. I dont think thers a particular mod for the Saturn V, but the NovaPunch pack and KW rocketry pack allow you to build quite convincing versions
  3. I tend to do this a lot. Mainly because of the no-more-timewarp-in-atmosphere thing making the last 500 metres take forever at 7m/s. Works ok over water, but on land ...ew
  4. This is a slingshot of which I am inordinately proud Using the Mun, I dropped my Pe by 5500km and Ap by 31000km using zero fuel. Of course, I really lucked into it but I'm pretending it was all planned
  5. Im not sure if I can share the edits, at least without the various authors permission. I'm also, after doing a bit of research, thinking of changing the configs to Kreuzungs Electrical Energy plugin as it might enable me to sort out some of the bugginess. Here http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/10094-0-16-Electrical-Energy-Plugin-v1-4-(Aug-15)?highlight=powertech, Kreuzung lists, under the 'Part making' spoiler, some info on config edits. There is another good post for modifying parts to suit the EPS plugin, but I cant for the life of me find it :/
  6. I think such a picture would look like a roadmap of London. I've resorted to editing the configs of various batteries and solar panels so they all work on EPS. Still pretty buggy though :/
  7. Where did you get the lander mod? I've been looking all over for one like that... so pretty
  8. DaGinger, MechJeb and RemoteTech don't place nice with each other. They kick and scratch and even bite. If you want to have your remote network, you need to remove mechjeb. :/
  9. This is my entry. Thank goodness for Orbital Construction and jumpdrives...
  10. Hmm thats about 800 million times the speed of light. Slightly outside my Delta-v budget
  11. I love the optimism and enthusiasm for space exploration people had in the 60's. What ever happened to that? *sigh* But one part bugs me "...manned missions to Venus..." And these people make aircraft? Anyone who thinks sending people to Venus is a good idea shouldn't be allowed to make toast
  12. After many failures in getting a particularly mad creation into orbit, I tend to name them things like the "Mk1 Kerbal Exploder", "Burning Wreck 4" and "Smoldering Debris XXI"
  13. I'd have to say builder, even though I do really enjoy the whole flying thing. Getting an orbits eccentricity down to 0.00001 appeals to my OCD Building lets me make insane things like this... And piloting lets me get the unstable, draggy peice of kraken-bait onto the Mun. I think it was 11 hours realtime from design start to driving up to Munbase Alpha. It was a good day
  14. IIRC, there was a problem with the radiators on Skylab due to a malfunction at launch. The temp inside rose to almost 50C before the first crew fixed the issue. Definately not a nice place to be at the time, I'd say
  15. Jeb heard about this challenge and insisted on trying out his new orbiter. Of course, just getting suicidally low isnt enough, he wants to do it while flying through a Mun arch... (Spoiler alert! Don't look at the Lat /Long if you want to find the arches yourself ) Check the surface alt in the top right. eep The presecession of the orbit makes it very tricky to line up the arch. I have to adjust it 3 times per orbit and I still keep missing. But I've still got fuel and RCS so I'll get it if it kills me. Or Jeb Edit: Update- Jeb somehow still alive, but I dont think he can get much lower and he'd need to drop another 250m to go through the arch. Even with the Pe at a low point in the crater behind the ship, it goes well over the arch but still perilously close to the hills behind. And theres some scary ground further on too. Its less than 300m in half a dozen places and takes about a quarter of the orbit to get above 1km. Time to call it a night I think. So close...
  16. I landed a Kethane rig on the Mun, mined converted etc., flew to another ship at an arch to refuel it so it could return to Kerbin. While Bob was on EVA (he said something about draining a hose) the ship sprang into the air like startled gazelle... and proceeded to roll end over end down the hill, leaving a trail of debris... Despite a valiant attempt by Jeb to wrest control of the stricken (and possibly possessed) vessel, the Krakens grip was too strong... Fortunately, all the crew survived and picked themselves up to scavenge what they need to survive until rescue arrives... Oh, and for the record that was at 0m/s and wasnt even the active flight at the time. Perhaps the Kraken feeds on kethane and upon seeing the rig thought "Ooo, just how I like it! Crunchy on the outside, with a chewy centre"
  17. In 0.13 Kerbol is effectively a singularity and Black Holes have no surface, size, or shape but they are pretty hardcore on the gravity and density
  18. I made my first landing on Minimus last night. I've never tried before because it seemed too hard, but Neil did things because they are hard. This screenie reminded me of his quote "I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small."
  19. If I'm landing in a crater or mare, I generally work on decending at a rate, in m/s, of 10% of my altitude ( ie at 2000 m, decending at 200m/s, 100m at 10m/s etc) This does require knowing the TWR and Delta-v of the lander module so you know you can both slow down at that rate and not run out of fuel 47 metres off the ground (... like I've done >.<), which the Engineer mod is very helpful for. Or good ol' maths, which is my prefered method. In the highlands, I tend to halve my descent rate below 3000m, because suddenly seeing your shadow come up to meet you when your altimeter is saying '2100m' is... unpleasant
  20. Oh really? Thats cool, I've always wondered why it was '359'. Thanks for furthering my education
  21. ^ I love the fact that you EVA'd to activate the solar panels. Looked very cool
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