#I am the kerb who arranges the blocks, that decend upon me from up above. They come down, and I spin them around 'till they fit in the ground like hand in glove!# I might sing out the Kerb who arranges the blocks, self-made parody of
(Thanks for the warning, ill steer away from SHED.mov) Granted, but then you never saw Cupcakes HD, or Rainbow factory, making your sig nonexistent, making YOU nonexistent! I wish the world stopped hating socialism
Granted, but they're coming for you dave, (Red dwarf anyone) you have all the world's money, and the federal agents are here to arrest you. I wish I could step outside into the sunlight without saying HISSS!
(I'm in the herd too...) Granted, you aren't in school for the rest of your life and don't get a job. I wish I had the skills to make a pony version of this
(It's a good video, I suggest watching the whole thing)
granted, but a huge flood of people means people keep getting wishsniped I wish I had a Pocket watch that can turn me and people into cartoon horsies (you know what I'm on about)
granted? but I'm not a regular user, I'm a Unique user (I think?) I wish Tf2 and MLP could work together for once instead of messing up my tf2 game interface.
Devs should add in something somehow where If you have bought the Full version of KSP, you can download any of the Non-Demo Versions, damn I miss .17 so much