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Everything posted by Annoyingorbits

  1. Weel, if Bobcat decides to throw in an optional Classic texture, i'm looking forward to it, otherwise nope.
  2. Uhh, consider my names, please? These K-Syndrome names are really bugging me
  3. Is english your first language? Just asking
  4. Wait, am i the only one that isn't looking forward to the retexture?
  5. If i was to start a channel, obscure as it may be, would i be able to join in? Or do i need like, 1000+ Subscribers?
  6. whoops, forgot about HOME, Jool V and Nautilus, best go download them , before they get a non-optional Retexture that just makes the rover look like it's been on 100 missions, even if it was commisioned the other day.
  7. *Downloads all the mods so he can keep the classic textures when bobcat destroys them*
  8. so, has the OP replied to my name ideas? These K-Syndrome names are UNACCEPTABLE!
  9. Robbaz and Danny, both hillarious and entertaining to watch
  10. ummm, i only understood a few words of that, but it was enough!
  11. You are already ahead of Bobcat, i fell out after he abandoned the DEMVs
  12. Yup, that's where i got 'em -CamdorfPrime, and, i take it UCSoV is uhh, Angland?
  13. some less K-Syndrome names: Acturn Renacentia Cubanama Osea Remana Espir Ypani Camdorfin Aldan Oligia Oslogarch Karysmkya Verala
  14. Here, why not take more original less k-syndrome names from here? http://play.kerbalroleplay.com/index.php
  15. Well, my problem is, i can't find the editing tools for this forum.
  16. I need to bump this, it's on the second page dammit!
  17. (I will put all my stock rocket designs here.) (Agh, where's the editing tool for vBulletin? I know where it is on SMFPacks) This is Cubanama Aerospace Ltd. We sell rockets (By that, i mean i give you the .craft files), Our current rocket line in service is the Cyrobrather Suborbital Lifter, Which has had 3 Successful missions, and no Failiures. Worker Roster: CEO: AnnoyingOrbits. Open Positions: Rocket Designer(s) Spaceplane Designer(s) Modular Space Station Crew IC Ideas More soon.
  18. I think it's time to revive this thread a bit, i wonder if bobcat could give the stuff he is no longer working on/does not want to work on, with his permission, maybe the said stuff to someone willing to work with it? Like how Devo took the Eagle out of Redspar's hands. Not saying i could do it, no, not until i get to the stage of this stuff in Education. But, is there anyone out there who can continue this?
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