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Everything posted by Annoyingorbits

  1. Uhh, Granted but he isn't mad? I wish I had a Pug-Corgi Crossbreed dog, Pug Body with a Cardigan corgi face
  2. is this still in .19?
  3. granted, but they are all corrupt I wish Pugs and Corgis could just get along
  4. Granted, But It breaks the game in so many ways, that it's unplayable, with the 'Fixed' SAS. I wish the SAS wasn't broken in so many ways.
  5. I wish for that to become a Meme that says <INSERTQUESTION> Bobcat don't think so
  6. Devo, have you made a complaint to the devs to give you early acess to future versions as well as the youtubers? I think you deserve it, and your rant was well-done
  7. It seems all threads I make have the people who are quite rude as the first repliers
  8. Meh, but it's better than some others. Wouldn't say it's the best
  9. I wasn't being sarcastic! You've been dormant for a bit, you must be planning something big
  10. Let me redo this, I've wanted to create a youtube channel, but I'm stuck on what to actually show, As the person above has said, ''Preferably something which isn't the same thousands of other people are doing'' Which is probably games, which now that I think, I should play without recording, at least till I get RSI and Commentary Let's plays can take my mind of RSI.
  11. Well, what should I do? Play KSP? Play Tf2? HL2? Or just random games with a few series? I'm looking at a Gaming channel, I'll probably start with some Warcraft III or KSP, I need Username Suggestions.
  12. ''All you see is a Disgusting little creature'' They Bud. That's incredibly stupid, that all kerbals would get that, If you've seen KerbalComics, you'd see that Jeb, Bill and Bob wear normal clothes AND spacesuits
  13. Discrepancy A: Kerbals Reproduce Asexually, the devs have clearly said there are no genders for Kerbals Discrepancy B: Kerbals are NOT disgusting.... Silly Discrepancy C: Then how come i can print him out in a casual costume? I say again, this site says all http://play.kerbalroleplay.com/index.php (P.S. Grammar nao!)
  14. If you are talking about this forum, I bought the game, and registered in July 2012 If you are talking about the KSPRP, I have been there since January 2013
  15. there are hardly any new visitors from what I've seen
  16. More people need to know about this, it's quite inactive, Clever Gamemasters, great RPers. Some say it has a steep learning curve, well, that's you making it steep, it's a Roleplay, there has to be hard-to-exploit rules. Anyway, here's the link: http://play.kerbalroleplay.com/index.php
  17. That was the least accurate video for the Kerbal Universe I have seen, Take a look here, and grasp out of your current mentality http://play.kerbalroleplay.com/index.php
  18. *facepalm* Kerbalizer KSPRP Sources to show you that they do, in fact wear proper clothes... Too little people know about the kerbal space program roleplay forum.
  19. I've been watching this thread for a while, but nice to see some progress after a few chatty pages.
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