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Everything posted by techonce

  1. Craft files: the bits I have read have not stated that will be trashed, but they will have to be reworked at a minimum. With the changes to SAS and it requiring power will force changes. What I know about craft files ( and I am not an expert!), they might be fine since they reference other parts. Save breaking whiners: Grow up. Either stay with the version you are on, or evolve with the game. The only thing whining does is make you sound like 5 year old.
  2. For some reason imagining the astronauts up in ISS playing KSP makes me laugh.
  3. The best I did was make a somewhat functional AT-AT using the damned robotics mod. I kind of got it to walk, but it was pretty shakey.
  4. The OP's post sounds alot like the emails I get everyday from people who are looking for someone to give alot of money to as long as I provide them information. Not having enough money... Well, there are ways to earn money if you have a computer. And your English appears to be quite good.
  5. Well HArvester did mention that they were changing the game resources system to be more of a database (not referring to material/resources, but game resources such as sounds, models, parts, etc) and well that is a pretty big change.
  6. I'm not too concerned for a couple of reasons. 1. There is usually a drop off in communications as they approach a release. it seems to happen every time. 2. If they are actually redoing how the game manages resources (models, sounds, fx, etc) that is a larger change then lets say adding wheels. It affects many things across many areas of the game. I don't know the details of their revision management software, but this might be one that breaks a lot of things in order to make it all better. But I will say I am a bit disappointed that there has not been any official announcement. Oh well.
  7. Cool video I saw today. IT is alwayss the small things that you don't think about that amaze me in space. http://msnvideo.msn.com/?channelindex=4&from=en-us_msnhpvidmod#/video/0a4384fd-02ff-c48a-eae0-9b644c1bc5f0
  8. THis is what happens when Captain Kirk tells the helmsman to put the Enterprise in a non-standard orbit.
  9. I too had a Hadron Kerman, we had to let him go though. He had a tendency to collide with things.
  10. I am still working on the flight control surfaces, but it does fly.... kind of.
  11. Well I am an engineer (Chemical/Electrical/Controls) who works with primarily with engineers (mostly mechanical) and I don't know if any have bought it, but there were a few that were interested, mostly for their kids. I have always had a passion for engineering-type games and KSP does a phenominal job of bridging the simulation/design gap. I'm sure it's a sign of some mental illness but some of my favorite games have included Mindrover, Free Enterprise, And Transport Tycoon.
  12. Well I work with a bunch of engineers and I am doing some pretty good passive advertising of the game. I have put up the KSP wall paper on my computer and on the 20" monitor that I am not using, it is there for everyone to see. Since i put it up a couple of weeks ago, I have had about 20 people ask about it. Although usually they ask if it is a family portrait. ANyone else doing something similar?
  13. I find I only use Mechjeb for things that I expect KSP to do inthe future. PRetty much the information panels are the most useful and then the best part is the fact that it can time warp until just before capture my the Mun, which is my favorite thing. Too many times I have time warped myself into a slingshot. It also helped teach me how to do be better at landing. I had done it myself, but after watching mj I can now do it better myself.
  14. Taking care of eating and sleeping... Isn't that called The Sims? I like the idea of cockpit view for piloting the ship, but other than that... I don't know. Maybe if they get to a repair things that I break, but generally if I break things, its going to take more than 1 kerbal and his toothbrush to fix it.
  15. Mechjeb does not play well with my standard rocket. THe gravity burn kills it since my rocket is a bit unwieldy and it goes into the death tumble. But launches are not the issue anyway, I can handle those. I use jeb to circularize, since i seem to be unable to do it, althought after watching Mechjeb, I see where I was making mistakes.
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