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Everything posted by dangerdoug

  1. Is there anyone who is getting this mod to successfully run on a mac? Maybe this is my problem.
  2. I am still unable to get this mod to work properly. I have a ship with the space dock module with enough spare parts, I prepare a ship with the space built module, select the desired dock with sufficient parts, click "build," the space built module blows up, and then nothing happens. It sits there looking very very sad. I've deleted the old files, reinstalled 4.2, and it continues to do the same thing. I've tried ships of multiple sizes, the smallest being a ship requiring 1.3xxxxx parts. I have searched for other people who have had the problem, and the one instance I found said that updating to 4.2 fixed the problem. I Created a log of just loading KSP and then trying to build a ship at the dock if anyone thinks it may help. Thanks for any help, it's greatly appreciated, as this is one of my favorite mods!
  3. Mods like this, and the subsequent things that people do with them, really make this game great. I can only hope the devs occasionally rifle through the addon subforum and see stuff like the giant asteroid with this disorganized mass of engines on the aft booming into orbit and think "we've done good."
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