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Everything posted by Dattmuffinman

  1. Yea it works great. I miss the warping that comes from the SkillFul mod(for some reason the Explosive power from cannons/missiles were compatible with its damage model). But this is alot more smooth and sleek. I hate the fact that Cannons and Bombs are still OP though. Going to tune them back down for more fun . PS: BahamutoD do you plan on making armor parts anytime soon? If not I'll just go ahead and make 3 tiers of armor that are stack-able on structural panels for more FUN!.
  2. Thanks Panzer1b! Definitely playing with this! Will drop the part counts on my ground vehicles by a ton (Since I was using IDskills small Armour plates). Also BahamutoD my missiles are now fixed. The defaults work perfectly, the problem was that I must've used another guys thrust configs because I thought they fixed the prob to begin with. So in other words I overreacted to the missile problem to begin with. So thanks again for the hotfix.
  3. Wow, that really explains to me why my hellfires and Mavericks were having some trouble. Yea I'm ussually flying between 150-200 m/s. The default thrust must not be enough to catch up to the optimal speed range. That or I've modified my Missiles to much and I should start default and climb my way up.
  4. @Hodo, I'm expecting atleast 10-40 degrees of turn, which can be really sharp when compared to real life. But isn't crazy. Also even when on bore with default settings I was having problems with accuracy. Out should at atleast half the time. However I fixed the issue by modifying the turn rates a bit. They work fine for me now and hit atleast half the time. When I have the missile upwards, they are a bit more accurate.
  5. So far it doesn't work for me, the crazy spinning is gone I think, but the default turn rates seem to be not enough to make accurate adjustments in FAR. When SideWinders are off bore they don't even turn 90, let alone 10 degrees towards me. However when on bore 3 out of 10 times missiles will hit the target with default settings in FAR. I have fixed this by just jacking up everything between 250-400 turn rates, then you'll get 7 out of 10 hits. Even then FAR is doing something funky. My guess is that it has to due with the fact there is no thrust vector? Maybe add that in combo with default turn settings and viola working missile! ofc that might be completely pointless since the default turn rates are doing the same thing a thrust vector would. But maybe having two turn forces at the front and back might help. Thing is doing that might make the missiles pointlessly complicated, and introduce strange behaviors.
  6. Well they may not be compatiable to you. Either 1. I don't understand the problem/haven't encountered it, or 2. I'm a freak of nature able to enjoy both mods. Could one of you post a picture or further explain the problem being encountered?
  7. Well I don't encounter any spoofing/glitching of my HUD/MFD indicators as far as I have Encountered. This maybe because I have deleted all the guns/ammo .cfgs for IDSkillful. So if it still occurs after doing this simple step, it might be something to do with your OS. Anyways I've spent the entire morning modifying the missiles to work. Everything works except the Aim-120 long range. When I get to a 1000 meters from target it hits alot more, ussually directly on the nose if I don't maneuver. Other than that, I had to tweak the Aim-9 a bit then it worked like a charm. I'm sad the JDAM's aren't working any more. They were tons of OP fun. Also made nice light shows when the CIWS fired on them.
  8. Guys I've been working on making Skillful's damage mod, and BD armory to work together. Its been really successful. Thing is they both work together already. You just have to tweak the damage scaling. I think its even possible to make the gun projectiles compatible, just need to add cannon power/blast radius to them. As of now they work too, after 700 meter the bullets don't even scratch armor(since they have a crash tolerance of 300, my modded vers gives a crash tolerance of 200 to ceramics 300-400 to metal plates). I've tweaked it so it takes 2-4 hellfires to break through a layer of Ceramics+Metal, and 2 cannon shots to punch through it. The damage model works just fine guns, ammo boxes, and just about everything from the BDarmory warps and acts accordingly. I'll post a tutorial after I've taken out the kinks with new update. I might even try to make guns have an account for the damage model(they are outside of it, since they are purely kinetic). I'll also post some pictures of the effects . PS: @VentZer0 I think it keeps flying low, because the cruise time is more than halfed. Tune it up between 20-30 time units, and see what happens.
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