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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. It was only for forum thread of the Month But still This should be stickyed not for forum thread of the month, but EPICNESS
  2. I'm good at drawing that was a joke, haha, fat chance.
  3. 10/10 Yea I know you... from like, ancient times. Also, how can you smell me? I just took a shower! Lol
  4. Hmmmm 1: Put your best video in your signature. Somehow I did this and my best movie got 4100 views. So happy. 2: Like brabbit said, if you make good quality things, it's gonna get noticed. 3: Try editing, or just skipping over slow parts. For me, if a video comes to a slow part, it gets boring-er and I may not want to watch it. Eg: Trasnfering from kerbin to Jool. Do I need to spend 5 minutes watching you time warp to Jool? Unless you have some pretty good stuff to talk about.
  5. YES JUST YES! Kraken battle
  6. Welp. Maybe this is OK, maybe not. If it is: Civ V+ All expansion packs. I am seriosly dying to get the game. $30 base... But $30 for each EP. Lemme check other areas.
  7. This kinda makes me wanna get steam and transfer it to it.
  8. Huh, that is right. Also, HOORAY! Time to fly some space shuttles!
  9. It sounds EPIC! But $3000 is a wee bit TOO much money for me.
  10. Don't worry, I have a labour group for you Mr Krag!
  11. Why do I suddenly imagine 1 sextillion Jebs on boosters.... Uh oh.
  12. I did do this one time, but with KW rocketry. And it left decent stage, CM in orbit, docked in orbit, no kerbal die, 0.19 so no flag
  13. Those craters! Honestly I don't care if it's not smooth, it looks like... A CHALLENGE!
  14. I like this. Really suits for craft building and definitley training.
  15. I myself don't really care xP I mean, Wouldn't it be cool to be on Eeelo flying very close to a binary sun system
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