Duna is awesome and because Ike is in a geosynchronus orbit, it can be a very good view. Plus, you can jetpack there. It also has less lag! Laythe is Epic and has an amazing view, but has a lot of Delta-v requirement, escecially with my bad luck of ending up in a retrograde orbit. Has more lag, can't use jetpack, mostly is just ocean and hard to find a good land base with all those hills. That's my opinions, decide which one you like. Some more choices: Eve is also good with it's cool purple atmosphere. Just forget saving kerbals, they are there for permanant bases. Gilly is my favourite planet. I would visit it more if it were just a wee bit easier to get to (very tiny SOI) It's great because it hardly has any gravity, such fun. Plus, you can land with nuclear engines on it... or even RCS! Moho.... I find it takes a lot of Delta-V and have only gotten a flyby. So IDK Eeelo: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay far out. Not really interesting to me. Dres: Quite interesting, it has a very neat canyon. Vall: It's lovely for rovers and bases Bop: This is a nice place to "visit" Pol: Unkown.