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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. I am happy with Harvs response. I agree with random failures. I'm not touching it! Imagine getting to laythe only to have a decoupler fail! I would probably ragequit the game.
  2. Nah. Well, one time on reddit ten times worked so... KasperVld! (hes probably watching us, laughing)
  3. As some others previously in the thread, I can't get the Quantum Vaccum thruster to work. I'm using KSPI, non-lite.
  4. Nope! If we say Kaspers name 3 time, he will summon! KasperVld
  5. Just as long as its 64x64 and the right size got mine to work through heavy optimizing.
  6. Interesting, very interesting! I must ask, why such the low limit? I mangaed to get my gif (in sig) to 30 kb... darn it still too big!
  7. It's great. Except the stupid missile players.
  8. Yes, yes he did. #Theinternet #hashtags #ohgodcantstop #Killthehashtags
  9. For modern times, KSP is indeed the best game ever. Imagine its full release! Hours-wise, I have however sunk more into Minecraft. But I still love KSP.
  10. Nope! Upsilon. SIDE NOTE: I have three rep bars! Cool
  11. It was hard. I used an entire Mun rocket with an old abandonded mod that I forget its name, but I loved. Few launches later I made it to the Mun! And later, much later, with my won craft
  12. I had a similar situation. I was using a hybrid fuel-ion engine, and thought I had enough for Duna with TAC LS. Turns out, I didn't. Jeb was on. Permadeath. Sent a rescue mission and saved him with a few months to spare.
  13. A person with more than 100 posts Weren't expecting me eh?
  14. I use it because of memory and never noticed any difference but memory.
  15. Hi, I'm wondering what I need to delete just so the IXS enterprises can go to warp, But I don't want the rest of the mod, or the radiation feature (I have a lot of crafts already). EDIT: Delete the parts, and in interstellar config set disablethermalmechanics to true. Thanks for the help!
  16. 100%. I use FAR, and rarely slow down on aerodynamic rockets... I should, because they turn horribly
  17. That's awesome! I'm worried about the new parachutes and realchutes, though.
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