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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. I wanted to make it smaller, but the turbojet is so big and a firespitter propeller just won't do it.
  2. Or... Jeb: Hey Gene, april fools! Gene: What? *Extreme Vibrations* Gene: How did you get hold of THOSE parts? Jeb: Magic. Gene: And what's it carrying? Jeb: Oh, just a 3000 ton asteroid, nothing to be worried about. Just gonna visit Bill and Bob at the space station. Gene: You don't pla- Jeb: Yes, I do.
  3. Would it be possible to have first person in a chair?
  4. Looks fun, but specs, and how is it balenced.
  5. Well, I haven't had any "life flash before my eyes" but one was, I was walking down the hallway, Slipped for no reason, and my wrist and nose hurt. The nose bled, and it wouldn't stop. Eventually just letting it dry up fixed it, and my wrist and nose were fine- but it scared me!
  6. Okay, it IS a bit airhoggy, but have you ever had one of those moments where you just want to quickly get a kerbal to a station? Well this is for you. Pulls 5 gees near launch, so it's quite fast ascent. Stats in VAB Liftoff! Gravity turn Gasping for air Sepera- FUEL KRAKEN! I blame the kraken. Using RCS to finish Time to go home. You have about a third of fuel remaining in orbit, enough to dock and return. Landing thrusters Flying instructions: Fly it like a normal rocket but more of a atmosphery graviity turn, and reduce thrust when flameout. DL: https://mega.co.nz/#!L0ggwKia!iUmph0B_atmjPuhAafrTVyRWxqwGBeaz7GlWOFkwILQ
  7. I've created pretty accurate looking Saturn-Vs, but don't have a picture... or do I? ...I have a few thousand screenshots... Ugh I have too many. 8 GB.
  8. You could've like, edited your post into one, no need for 3 posts.
  9. Don't worry. The BorgModCube will come, and assimilate this thread into their thread. Resitance is futile.
  10. Dammit I haven't seen it! SPOILERS!
  11. There. All your problems solved. You are now commanded by music. Let go of life!
  12. Vroom vroom EDIT: It flipped slightly, so I tried a recovery mission. I had to "Swing" the rover to get it upright, almost broke into pieces, being fragile. But, it made it, despite crushing a kerbal in the process. More Vroom Vroom boss?
  13. Reviving this thread, I watched it as soon as it was out for Dvd and really liked it. It's an interesting story, a girl with ice powers...
  14. I thought hmm... maybe it will be released at noon! *spams F5* 12:01 12:02 12:03 12:04 12:05 12:06 12:07 12:08 Not out.
  15. Ugh I hope people in here don't start posting fake messages... ...Post true images
  16. Eh, I don't belive it. My steam isn't updating, and it can sometimes say "just updated" long after an update.
  17. I hope the claw can be opened in the VAB. I need that functionality! Also, damn you 0.23.5, I just had another dream: Rowdster, in the daily kerbal section, had posted a "Russian mafia" style post. No news or media, just his post- go get it! In-game, There were new, long, MK1 pods, on with Gemini landing legs. Scott manley said you could design your own EVA suit. KSP also installed a bunch of new dlls. ...I wake up for real. Check KSP.. Hop- nevermind.
  18. While I wait, I looked in my rocket cooking list. I threw a gemini, a sls, and an apollo and mashed it all up. This is what I got ...kinda slsey?
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