I was messing around with Jeb and Bill on Minmus, trying to get rovers to not flip out all over the place. The rover proceeds to flip out all over the place, catapulting Jeb from his chair. Having had enough of these fail-filled shenanigans, I decide to send Jeb up to my Minmus station via his EVA pack. Due to a combination of beer, lack of attention and general ineptitude, Jeb ends up in an exceedingly eccentric Kerbin orbit, with no propellant left in his suit. Bill decides to mount a rescue attempt with the remnants of the minmus lander/rover delivery vessel. The encounter is obtained, with mere fumes left in the tank. Despite frantic attempts to match velocities using RCS, the lander... encounters Jeb while still moving at a relative velocity of about 200ms. Jeb does not survive the impact. Bill attempts to use the remaining RCS fuel to lower his Kerbin periapsis, and manages to get it down to 68km before draining his monopropellant supply. No matter, the ship still has emergency parachutes and in a couple of orbits it should be able to make a landing! No. The Mun, being the vindictive satellite it is, decides to play chicken with Bill and his fuel deprived vessel. Lacking any method of making a course change, Bill abandons ship and attempts to get into a Mun orbit using his own EVA supplies, despite the memory of Jeb's fate being fresh in his mind. He is utterly unsuccessful in this attempt, and despite frantic flailing impacts the Munar surface at velocities far exceeding the impact tolerance of even a Kerbal. Bob, safely sat in Minmus Station, facepalmed repeatedly.