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Everything posted by Arretu

  1. Since kerbals are not humans, and indeed have probably never even HEARD of health and safety much less considered paying it any attention, I do not think there should be random limitations on what I can do with my little green minions, career mode or otherwise. This is one of those things where you should use willpower to impose it on your own save, rather than asking to affect everyone else's gameplay.
  2. I was messing around with Jeb and Bill on Minmus, trying to get rovers to not flip out all over the place. The rover proceeds to flip out all over the place, catapulting Jeb from his chair. Having had enough of these fail-filled shenanigans, I decide to send Jeb up to my Minmus station via his EVA pack. Due to a combination of beer, lack of attention and general ineptitude, Jeb ends up in an exceedingly eccentric Kerbin orbit, with no propellant left in his suit. Bill decides to mount a rescue attempt with the remnants of the minmus lander/rover delivery vessel. The encounter is obtained, with mere fumes left in the tank. Despite frantic attempts to match velocities using RCS, the lander... encounters Jeb while still moving at a relative velocity of about 200ms. Jeb does not survive the impact. Bill attempts to use the remaining RCS fuel to lower his Kerbin periapsis, and manages to get it down to 68km before draining his monopropellant supply. No matter, the ship still has emergency parachutes and in a couple of orbits it should be able to make a landing! No. The Mun, being the vindictive satellite it is, decides to play chicken with Bill and his fuel deprived vessel. Lacking any method of making a course change, Bill abandons ship and attempts to get into a Mun orbit using his own EVA supplies, despite the memory of Jeb's fate being fresh in his mind. He is utterly unsuccessful in this attempt, and despite frantic flailing impacts the Munar surface at velocities far exceeding the impact tolerance of even a Kerbal. Bob, safely sat in Minmus Station, facepalmed repeatedly.
  3. The second flag is eye-meltingly fantastic, if in rather poor taste. I congratulate you, sir.
  4. giant staring lifeless iris... nope. strange mouth that seems to connect the lips and tongue via some unknown organic tissue.... nope. long, flowing hair... nope. is a kerbal... nope. appears prepubescent....nope. I can honestly see no good reason to use that... art... as a starting point for female kerbals. As stated, it makes much more sense to alter the current model rather than design an entirely new one based on some random anime style thing. At least that way we would get something that looks to be from the same planet, whilst at the same time saving time due to not having to start entirely from scratch. And to the individual who said that the devs have more important things to be doing, yes. A thousand times yes.
  5. I am fully aware of the meaning of the word template, thank you very much. As you managed to concisely ignore the actual point of my comment, please allow me to re-iterate it for you: A) The hypothetical "male" and "female" kerbals are in fact of the same species. As a result of that, there should be a fairly strong resemblance between them. C) Therefore, the logical way to make a model for female kerbals would be to start with the nominally male model we have at the moment, and alter it to suit the new requirements, rather than taking some completely unrelated work and starting from there. D) If they choose to add female models, why shouldn't they do that rather than what you are suggesting? If you need further clarification of what I am asking, please let me know. Disclaimer: I still don't care if they add female kerbals or not.
  6. Could you please explain why some random anime child is a better "template" then the male kerbal model? To clarify, I don't care whether different looking Kerbals are implemented at all, but if they do surely it makes more sense use something of the same species as a starting point?
  7. Honestly, if they decide to introduce "female" kerbals into the game, they should probably use the "male" kerbal model as a starting point. If I'm trying to draw a human of either gender, I don't start with a different species as my template.
  8. Here's mine, I'm lousy at this sort of thing, so it's pretty basic and cliparty.
  9. I also did not get an email. Preordered 19/08/11.
  10. Paid $7 on the 19th of August, only had the paypal receipt so far.
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