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Everything posted by DrJonez

  1. Some cool designs, but I need something more compact! This rover is attached to the Kethane tanker along with some bits of mining equipment. No room for a big sprawling rover like you guys are showing
  2. I'm trying to build a rover that can pick up various bits of machinery, move them around, then drop them off again. I'm not having a lot of luck though! Just curious to get a look at some working designs for inspiration. Anyone got a rover that does something like this? YOUR DESIGNS. SHOW THEM TO ME!
  3. RemoteTech is a mod. It makes things a lot more challenging. It also breaks your logic.
  4. The Skipper is pretty great. I use it a fair bit. Like others have said, it fills the gap between the Mainsail and the smaller engines perfectly.
  5. Happened to look up from KSC at just the right moment to catch the eclipse
  6. Really cool video. I sort of hate this guy, he makes all my designs feel childish and simplistic now haha Maybe I'll have to start working on a Mun base or something to see if I can do something remotely as complex.
  7. My .21 sneak peek features a Mun landing if anyone wants to get a better look
  8. The windows on the front of the building remind me of the old style NASA mission control building from the Apollo era. I think. But yeah, no one has said what the mystery building is but my guess is some kind of mission control maybe.
  9. Scott does it well as always A bunch of us other YouTubers have .21 previews up as well. Check around. Here's mine:
  10. Never fear! I and the other KSP YouTubers will create a massive firestorm of new tutorials to help the newbs along!
  11. Me. Because I'm starting to make new videos again. Yay. https://www.youtube.com/user/drjonez
  12. Thanks for the mention I'm glad I can help you guys out.
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