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  1. Yep. If 'Active' the flame goes at full tilt regardless of the throttle's position, if 'running', the flame isn't there at all.
  2. I updated the .cfg of Nova's old Probodobodyne cushion engine to work under the current system. It worked, but the FX played whether the engine was throttled up or not. So I changed the FX triggers using terms from a stock .cfg. That fixed the sound effects, but the visual effects don't play at all now. What've I borked? .cfg: http://pastebin.com/5tYyQX2V
  3. Why do all the journalists keep saying he's jumping from the edge of space? Was the height of the Karman Line halved and no-one told me?
  4. It's probably just the amount of ships/parts around. I only had 2 ships and 2 pieces of debris down at a site and I lagged badly bringing in a third lander. I bet there's a lot of optimisation that can be done here. You can see sometimes when the game glitches that landed vessels are still having their trajectories calculated every frame and I'm sure there's more things like that.
  5. I've been wanting this for ages, thank you. The issue with the RCS feeding order is that it will quite often drain the stack from the top (ie, your lander etc) first and then work down the stack. It's difficult to reproduce, but the simplest fix in any case would be to make it drain via the order the tanks are staged.
  6. Hey Gaby, do you mind a request? I was hoping you could merge 10 stock NERVAs with 5 Novapunch 2m 2x1m adapters on an NP 5m 5x2m adapter into 1 engine.
  7. It's one of the Mun arches. Your next challenge is to orbit through them.
  8. Just open the Rendezvous module and choose your target. The extra options appear in the SMART A.S.S panel then.
  9. You may find this interesting http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2012/09/nuclear-flight-system-definition-studies-1971/
  10. I'm trying to put a camera module in the cab of the DEMV, but no matter what I change the camera placement to in the .cfg it stays in exactly the same place, just behind the front wheels. Why wont it move?
  11. Most amount of delta-v required to take off again and transfer to anywhere worth going.
  12. Exactly what I was needing! Is it possible to make it show your ejection angle too? Where does it show it? Or do you have to already be in stellar orbit?
  13. This. One press of 'w' does it, should be the same in the SPH. The invisibility is something to do with the object origin iirc.
  14. I didn't say anything about making it the same as the stock one, I pointed out that it weighs less than it should.
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